Chapter 44

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Taeyong ducked under the arms of one of Byungchul's last men. NCT had successfully defeated almost all of them, bodies littering the ones tightly packed floor. NCT hadn't had any casualties, thankfully, but they had their fair share of injuries with the majority of the gang sent to wait in the cars with Doyoung.

Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, Jaemin, Jeno, and Haechan were still fighting with the last few remaining men.

Just as Taeyong was about to swing at his opponent, the man fell to his knees with a bullet lodged in his back. The men that the others were fighting soon fell right after.

Shocked, the boys finally looked up to the staircase, seeing Mark and Mirae standing their with their guns raised and smiles on their faces.


Jaemin was the first one to run to her, picking her up snd tightly squeezing her in a hug the moment she made it down the staircase.

"I am so so sorry, I should've followed you more carefully, are you okay? Did they hurt you? Oh my god I was so worried."

Jaemin rapidly spewed out his words as he hugged her, burying his face in her shoulder. She just let out a small laugh, hugging him back.

"I'm okay, Jaemin, I'm okay. I missed you too."

"They'll never bother you again, okay? We made sure of that."

Mirae tensed up as Jaemin out her down, seeing the happiness and pride in his eyes despite the blood and dead bodies surrounding them. She had flashbacks to the video, remembering that her friend was in one with Mark. She pushed the thought away and smiled at him.

That not really them, Mirae, you know that. That's not who they are. They're your family.

"We knew you'd be okay, you're too tough for them, aren't you Mirae." Jaehyun said with a deep laugh as he pulled Mirae into a warm hug.

"Oh stop." She laughed out in response.

"No, he's right. If it wasn't for Mirae, I'd be dead. She's a lot smarter than we give her credit for." Mark added from beside them, flashing her a quick smile before walking out of the building.

"Ah Mimi, you bitch, I knew you'd live!" Haechan said, collapsing on top of her in a hug.

"I don't know what I'd do if you didnt!" Jeno added, wrapping his arms around them in a group hug. "The others will be so relieved to hear that you're okay!"

"Where are the others?" Mirae asked, looking around. "Are they...."

"No." Johnny answered with a reassuring smile. "No loss for us today, just quite a few injuries. Doyoung might need your help later, but it's nothing fatal. He and Renjun are looking over the others back by the vans."

All the other boys turned and headed out the door, leaving only Mirae and Taeyong together. He watched as she walked over to one body, the body of her brother, Woobin, staring down at it with tears in her eyes. Taeyong walked over, unsure of what to do as he stood next to her.

"He never acted like a brother but he's some of the only family I've ever known."

Taeyong stayed silent.

"There were so many times that I wished he was dead but... but I never thought it would actually happen..."

Taeyong turned to look at her and noticed the tears silently streaming down her face.

"Now I have no one. No real family or adoptive family here. I'm all alone."

"You have us."

"I know, Yongie, and I'm so grateful for that. I just wish I knew my real family sometimes..."

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