Chapter 33

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Mark was pacing back and fourth in the main room, too anxious waiting for them to return to even pay attention to the funny looks he was getting from the other members. A million thoughts were running through his head and every minute that passed without them coming home was time for him to dream up one more scenario gone horribly wrong.

"What's up with him?" Chenle asked as he sat down next to the rest of the dreamies.

"I don't know. He's been doing that since he got back after dropping Mimi off." Renjun replied, passing Chenle a drink.

All of them were sitting on the couch, quietly conversing as they waited for Mirae to return. They were anxious as well, but unlike Mark, they were told in advance what the mission was.

Well, more like Chenle screamed until Yuta agreed to tell him. But either way, they knew it would be fine, especially with the older members there.

Their eyes followed their team leader as he paced across the room. It looked as though they were watching a tennis match, their eyes going back and fourth over and over again as he walked out his nerves.

"Why is he even freaking out so much? Aren't we the ones who should be most worried?" Jeno questioned as his eyes stayed glued to the older boy.

"I think there's more between them than either one of them wants to admit." Haechan whispers out.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, Jaemin, don't be dumb."

"That's hard for him."

"Shut up, Renjun. Keep going Haechan, what do you mean by that?"

Haechan let out a sigh, shaking his head at how naïve his friend was being.

"Haven't you noticed the way Mark has changed since she got here? He's been smiling and laughing. Things we haven't seen him do in years. He's been actually hanging out with us, not being so snappy during missions, things like that. The only thing I can think of to make him change, is Mirae."

The other boys nodded as they started to think about Haechan's words.

"You know, you're right, Haechan. When I dropped my gun on the last mission, instead of threatening me, Mark just told me to be more careful." Jisung added with a nod.

"And he took her shopping... AND he was the one who picked her up today." Jeno stated with wide eyes.

"Aren't their rooms connected? Maybe there's more to this than we thought..." Renjun trailed off, now starting to think deeply about all the little changes he's noticed in the older boy.

"Oh come on guys, don't be ridiculous." Jaemin scolded, smacking Renjun on the back of the head. "Mirae is like the sweetest ball of fluff in the world and Mark is... well, Mark. I get that she obviously is friendly with him, but there's no way he cares about her like that. He doesn't care about anyone like that. Taeyong probably just told him to be nice to her since-"

Jaemin cut off at the sound of the garage door opening and a bunch of footsteps making their way towards the main room. All 6 of the boys immediately stopped talking and looked to the doorway, nervously waiting for who would round the corner.

They saw Johnny first, all searching his face for any sign of worry or distress, but there was none. He was smiling as he walked, giving a thumbs up to the guys.

"She did great."

All of them let out a sigh of relief as the others began to make their way in. The boys from the mission filed in one by one, the last person to round the corner being Mirae.

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