Chapter 26

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Mirae looked at herself one last time in the mirror, checking over her hair and makeup, and smoothing out her outfit before heading out the door.

"Ready for school, Mimi?" Chenle asked as he fell into step with her.

"Yeah. School is so boring now that I've been here for the past few weeks."

"Eh, it keeps us normal... or normal-ish." He smiled as they walked into the kitchen where the rest of her friends were waiting with Johnny.

"Ready to go guys?" The older boy asked, tossing Mirae an apple and standing from his seat.

They all regretfully nodded and followed him to the garage.

Once in school, the group split up, all heading to their respective classes as Renjun and Mirae made their way to first period together.

"Oh shit, I forgot that I had to pick something up from the office before class. Save me a seat."

Renjun quickly turned around and ran through the halls as Mirae chuckled, walking into the classroom.

"Hey Mirae! I saved you and Renjun seats over here!" called Areum, one of her best friends.

"Thanks girlie." Mirae replied with a smile, taking the seat next to her and placing her bag on the other empty seat for Renjun.

"So, Mirae, I was thinking that you, Haneul, and I go shopping later! Does after school today or tomorrow work better?"

Mirae shifted nervously in her seat as Areum happily anticipated her answer, already daydreaming about all the things they could buy.

"Er... sorry Areum, I can't. I'm busy after school these days."

"Busy with what?"

Mirae's eyes widened as she quickly tried to think of an excuse.

"Busy with tutoring me."

Mirae let out a sigh of relief as Renjun slid into the seat beside her, totally saving her ass. Mirae was a horrible liar.

"Tutoring you? Aren't you like super smart though?"

"Not as smart as Mirae. And she's helping me tutor two underclassmen as well, Jisung and Chenle."

"Ugh fine, I'll just go with Haneul then, but I swear to god, I love that girl but if she talks about her boyfriend the whole time, I will rip her head off and kill you too, Mirae."

The three of them laughed together at Areum's comment.

"I'll make it up to you, Areum. Promise."


- - -

The rest of the day was uneventful, Mirae basically being passed from dreamie to dreamie as she went from class to class. It was finally the end of another long day and she was walking out of class with Jaemin.

"So, Mimi, how's training with Taeyong been? I don't see any excessive bruises on you so I'd assume it's good?"

"Yeah he's been really nice. He's not easy, that's for sure, but he pushes me to be better."

"That's good. You'll make a fine member soon, hmm? Are you excited for your first mission? After you finish with guns and knives, you'll prolly go on one."

"Yeah I guess. Half scared, half excited. I don't know if I'll be able to kill someone and I don't want to go through what happened with Mark." Mirae replied with a shiver, remembering what the older boy had told her in the past.

"Mark told you about that?"

"Mmhmm, the night it was announced that Taeyong would be training me. He came to my room and told me about it."

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