Chapter 31

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Things settled back down after the chaos of that night. Taeyong apologized. Mirae continued to train with him and go to school with the boys. She had learned to how shoot a gun and was a natural with knives, her first mission was soon to come.

The only change had been in Mark. It had been two weeks since the whole event with Hyunwoo, and Taeyong had let them go out together two more times now. It was obvious to the boys that Hyunwoo liked her, and this sparked something in Mark. He became bolder, more confident around Mirae.

Two nights after everything with Hyunwoo, Mark walked into her room just after he finished taking a shower. His hair was slicked back and he spent the whole night subtly flirting with her, making her blush and feel flustered.

Later that week, he showed up again, completely shirtless this time. The teasing continued as he flexed his muscles and sexily brushed his hair back whenever she looked at him.

It continued through the next week. Mark would show up, shirtless, in her room at night, joking, teasing, and flirting with her behind closed doors. It was a total change for Mirae, but she liked it.

"Hey Mirae!" Mark called to her as she passed by his room. "Wanna join me for some shooting practice?"

She paused as he walked out of his room, wearing some workout shorts and a sleeveless shirt.

"Sure, just let me go and change. I'll meet you there!"

She turned back into her room, putting on some light training gear and heading off to the room. When she got there, Mark was already warming up, his loose shirt giving her a clear view of his back and arm muscles flexing as he did so.

She joined in on his warm up, waking up her muscles and getting ready to go. She grabbed her gun from the rack, walking over to face the targets next to Mark.

After a few minutes of shooting, he put his gun down. Stretching his arms and letting out a breath.

"It's getting hot in here, don't you think? You won't mind if I... take my shirt off? Right?" He asked, looking at her with a smirk. She just rolled her eyes, already getting used to his antics.

"Go ahead."

With a satisfied grin, Mark pulled the shirt over his head, revealing his sweaty body and toned muscles for her to momentarily stare at. She quickly tore away her gaze, but Mark noticed it nonetheless, and went back to shooting.

He watched her for a bit before an idea popped into his head. He made his way over to her, standing right behind her and bending down to whisper in her ear.

"Mind if I give you a hand?"


He placed a hand by her hip and another on her shoulder, like he did once before. He stepped closer to her so that his bare chest was pressed flush against her back, his lips brushing the top of her ear.

"Try to stabilize yourself a bit more. It'll help."

Mirae knew good and well that she didn't need his help with this anymore. Her strength and form were virtually perfect, but she let him do it anyway.

She pulled the trigger, hitting the bullseye dead in the center with a satisfied smile.

"Pretty good" Mirae shivered as Mark's voice whispered to her. "Do it again."

He remained pressed against her, his muscles tensed as he held her close. Mirae knew what game he was playing and decided to play back. With a smirk she readied herself again.

This time when she shot, she pushed her hips back slightly, rolling herself into Mark. She knew it worked when she heard the smallest grunt from him and felt his muscles tense even more.

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