Chapter 38

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Taeyong's office was a mess. After getting the call from Jaemin, he alerted the rest of the gang to be on lookout for any incoming communications. Now he was in his office with Jaehyun and Johnny.

His papers that were usually in nest piles on his desk were now spread around the room. Everything was thrown around, having been knocked over by Taeyong in his fit of panic. They had never seen him react this way before, even when other members were kidnapped. He was losing his mind.

"Taeyong, you need to calm down. It's going to be okay."

"How do you know that?!" Taeyong yelled, his eyes crazed as he paced around the room.

His hands pulled at his hair, breathing heavily and desperately thinking of what to do as he spiraled into total chaos. Johnny and Jaehyun glanced at one another, both equally concerned over the unusual state of their leader.

"We don't, Taeyong, but we'll figure something out. You just need to calm down." Jaehyun said, walking over and placing a hand in Taeyong's shoulder. He was immediately shoved off by the older boy.

"Stop fucking telling me to calm down! Byungchul has Mirae! What am I supposed to do?"

"Taeyong... we've never seen you like this before, what is going on? Why are you acting like this?" Johnny asked cautiously as their leader continued to pace.

"Because she's my fucking sister okay?" He turned to them with such pure fear in his eyes that both boys recoiled in shock.


Taeyong let out a deep sigh, slumping into one of his chairs, the rollercoaster of emotions finally exhausting him past his adrenaline panic. He put his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees.

The other two boys looked at one another skeptically before sitting down across from him, silently waiting for his explanation. With another deep sigh, Taeyong sat up, running his hands through his disheveled hair.

"Mirae is my sister. My biological sister."


"How did you find out about this? Are you sure she's your sister?" Jaehyun asked skeptically.

"I guess I wasn't the only one who survived the fire. It started when Doyoung mentioned a birthmark behind her ear. After that meeting I asked him about it."

Taeyong paused, pulling down the collar of his shirt to reveal a crescent-shaped mark on his collarbone.

"It was a crescent shape. Identical to this one. Even though my sister was only 1 and I was only 6 when the fire happened, I remember us having matching birthmarks with her's behind her ear."

Jaehyun and Johnny sat back in their seats, taking it all in as Taeyong continued to tell his story.

"After I heard about this, I did my own research. Her adoptive family found her on their doorstep on the night of the fire and took her in. The reports say that they never found her body either, even though they found my parents. So I had Doyoung run a DNA test and the results were conclusive."

"Wait... so Mirae is your real sister.... wow." Johnny breathed out. "Is Mirae even her real name?"

"Her birth name was Miyong, but I remember we all called her Mi. It was one of her first words and it was how she referred to herself, so that's probably why they called her Mirae."

Jaehyun stared long and hard at Taeyong's face, and soon he began to notice the similarities. They had the same sharp jawline and fluffy dark hair. They both had big, deep set eyes and straight noses. Her cheekbones were higher and her lips were fuller, but once he started looking, there was undeniable resemblance between them.

"Taeyong... this is amazing! You and Mirae- er, uh- Miyong, can finally reunite. You guys found each other." Johnny said happily, smiling at the older boy.

"Not if Byungchul kills her!" Taeyong yells out, standing up again. "Which is exactly what he'll do if he finds out she's my sister. Hell, he might've already killed her!"

Tears rolled down Taeyong's cheeks as he started sobbing on the spot. Jaehyun and Johnny immediately jumped up from their seats and went to hug him.

"It'll be okay, Tae. She's not dead yet. Not Mirae. Even when it's out of her control, she's going to find a way to live and stay alive. We'll find her." Jaehyun says, patting his leader's back.

"I thought I've been alone for so long" Taeyong choked out between sobs. "I spent years searching for my family... I can't to lose her now."

"We'll find her, Taeyong, we will. She's part of our family now and we're not gonna let them keep her." Johnny said reassuringly. "But destroying this office doesn't get us anywhere."

"Johnny's right. Taeyong, you're our leader. If there's any chance of getting your sister back, we need you to snap out of this and come up with a plan." Jaehyun said firmly.

Taeyong let out a deep sigh, nodding his head to the two boys. After taking a moment to compose himself, he stood up.

"Let's go get her back."

- - -

By the time the three boys walked into the main room, everyone was gathered already. All of the boys had on their mission outfits, bulletproof vests and all. Taeyong noticed the gleam of weapons lining their clothing and the focus looks on their faces. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

"Taeyong!" Kun was the first person to run up to the leader. "I got everyone ready just incase, do you have any idea where she is?"

"No, but thank you, Kun. Is everyone accounted for?"

"Yes, well... all except one."

Taeyong looked around, counting all of the boys when his eyes darkened in realization.


Off to the side of the room, the 6 dreamies were gathered together. Their eyes were all glazed over, still stunned by Jaemin's news.

"Do you think we'll be too late?" Jisung asked nervously.

"I dont know for sure... maybe... but I sure hope not..." Chenle whispered back.

"Stop that, you two." Haechan snapped at them. "Stop thinking that way. Everything will be okay. It has to be."

"Haechan's right." Jeno said, walking up to them. "Taeyong will figure it out. We just have to be ready to go when it's time."

"Plus, as bad as this is, Byungchul won't kill her right away. He's smart enough to know to use her against us. That'll at least keep her alive for a few hours." Renjun added.

The five of them conversed quietly while Jaemin stood in the corner alone. He blamed himself for letting her get away, and the guilt was eating at him.

All that was going through his head was the rhythmic clicking of his gun as he rapidly loaded and unloaded it to distract himself. His mind burned with anger. Anger at himself. Anger at Hyunwoo. And anger at Mark, who had still not returned.

He was snapped out of his trance by a knock on the door.

"Maybe that's Mark" he heard Taeyong exclaim, causing the younger boy to straighten up.

He walked straight over to the door and flung it open, ready to beat Mark to a pulp but he stopped when a different familiar figure was standing in the doorway.


"This is where Mirae lives, right?"

"Yea... why?"

"I saw her get taken and I think I know where she is."

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