Chapter 35

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"Hey, Jaehyun." Mark said as Jaehyun walked in. "Heading to Neo HQ?"

"No, actually, Winwin and Jungwoo are there today."

"Oh cool, I was meaning to ask you about something, actually."

"What's up?"

"I know you don't like motorcycles anymore, so I was wondering how you'd feel about giving yours to Mirae? I already asked Yuta to fix it up. I even got her this cute keychain to put on the keys and ordered her a new helmet too. I was thinking about picking her up with it today as a surprise."

"Oh, yeah that's fine with me. I don't ride it anymore, but you can't pick her up today." Mark froze at his words, clenching his fist together before rolling his eyes in frustration.

"She's with that guy? Again? Really? Can I see the messages?" He held his hand out for Jaehyun's phone but the older boy hesitated.

"Mark... they're going on a date."

"... a what?"

"Mirae said that he asked her out on a date so they're going to a new cafe together."

"She agreed to go out with him?"

Jaehyun nodded, carefully studying the younger boy's reaction. He could see the way Mark's shoulders dropped and his lips turned downward. The way his excitement quickly fizzled out of his body and the glow in his eyes faded.

"Oh...good for her then, I guess..."

They stood there in silence before Jaehyun couldn't take it anymore. With a frustrated huff, he grabbed Mark's arm and dragged him to the couch, forcing him to sit down as Jaehyun sat on the edge of the table across from him.

"Jesus Christ, Mark, look. I don't mean this in a mean way but how fucking clueless can you be?"


"Dude, you obviously like her. Why aren't you confessing to her yet?"

"C-confess? To... to Mirae? No. I don't like her like that, we're just friends." Mark replied quickly, trying his best to come off as nonchalant but Jaehyun saw right through him.

"Thats bullshit and you know it."

Mark let out a sigh, hanging his head in defeat.

"Fine, okay, I like Mirae, so what?"

"So fucking tell her, man. You're, like, one of the most confident people I know, why are you being such a wimp about this?"

"Because I'm bad for her. I'm a killer, Jae. I know she's part of our mafia now, but she shouldn't be with me. She's too good and I'm too bad. It's like the devil falling in love with an angel."

"Oh cut the crap Mark. We've all killed people and guess what? So has she now. This is the path she's on, at least you'll be able to protect her."

Mark sighed, still not convinced by Jaehyun's words.

"Look, Mark, I know you see yourself as this bad dude, but hasn't Mirae taught you anything? You're not. You're a good guy who's been through some shit. You can't be so hard on yourself."

"What does it matter, anyway. She doesn't like me back. I don't want to tell her and then just get hurt and make things awkward."

Jaehyun recoiled at Mark's words, completely stunned by just how oblivious he was.

"Mark. What the hell are you talking about?"

"You said it yourself, Jae, she's going on a date with another dude. The same dude she hangs out with all the time. She likes him, not me."

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