Chapter 4

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"Mirae? Mirae! Fuck." Jaemin jammed his phone back into his pocket.

"Jaemin, come on, focus!"

"Jeno, Mirae is in trouble."


The two of them were currently with the rest of NCT clearing out the warehouse of a rival gang. Jaemin and Jeno were back to back as they shot killed any rivals on their floor.

"She called and said someone attacked her." Jaemin quickly grabbed Jeno's arm and pulled him into an empty room, slamming the door shut as they caught their breath.

"Where is she?"

"I think she said the alley by her apartment, she screamed as she was telling me then the line went dead."

"Fuck, ok." Jeno raised his hand, pressing his in-ear before speaking.

"Taeyong? Mark? Can you guys hear me?"

"Yeah what's wrong?"

"Our friend is in trouble and we need to go."

There was silence on the line before Taeyong sighed.

"Fine. WayV, 127, and U can handle this. Mark, take Dream to... wherever it is they need to go. And make it quick. Meet back at headquarters when you're done."

"Thanks Taeyong!"

Jeno grabbed Jaemin's arm, peaking out of the room carefully before the two made their way out of the warehouse to Mark's car. The other dreamies were already there with Mark in the driver's seat. Jaemin quickly slid into the passengers seat as Mark turned to look at him, his gaze icy.

"This better be worth it."

- - -

The man dragged Mirae out from behind the dumpster, pushing her back towards the street. Her eyes widened as she noticed 3 other men waiting at the opening of the alley.

She struggled against him but his grip was too tight and soon she was surrounded by the four men. One of them took off his hood and she recognized him as the leader from the shop.

"Hello, princess. Remember me?"

"I-I thought you were dead."

"Oh no, I got out. Those fools only wish they could kill me."

"P-please let me go. I-I haven't told anyone, a-and I promise I won't. I-I d-don't want to be a part of this, please."

"Too bad, honey. No one's here to save you this time. It's a shame, really, you're quite a pretty one, I can only imagine the things I could do with you."

Mirae shivered at his words, desperately squirming around as he began to walk towards her, an evil smirk on his face. Once he was right in front of her, she shot out her fist, not thinking about her actions and punching him straight in the face. He stumbled back for a moment before letting out a deep laugh.

"Oh so you're a little fighter, are you?" He harshly grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to be still, and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "I don't take well to fighters."

The man knocked her to the ground, kneeing her hard in the stomach. She scrambled to her feet only to be thrown against the wall, the rough stone tiles cutting up her arms. He punched her hard and she could taste the blood on her lips.

She tried to fight back but she was outnumbered, and they were much stronger than her. They held her on the ground, the rough gravel cutting up her arms and the image making her head spin. Her vision beginning to go blurry as pain shot throughout her body with each kick that landed on her side.

"Lights out, sweetheart."

She could only watch as the man drew back his foot, his large black boot aiming straight for her face. She closed her eyes tightly, doing her best to protect her head, but the impact never came. Instead, she heard the sound of gunshots and a car door opening.

"I'd leave her alone if I was you."

She opened her eyes to see the boss bleeding on the ground in front of her, a boy standing by the driver's side of a black van staring at them with his gun raised.

"I'll let you get out of here while you can, we outnumber you 2 to 1. Leave the girl alone and run back to your pathetic leader." The boy spoke with an authoritative voice.

The three men looked at one another nervously before their boss let out a loud groan, blood pouring from the wound on his shoulder. Reluctantly, they grabbed him and ran off into the night.

More car doors opened and she heard footsteps running towards her. A pair of hands gently grasped her shoulders and helped her sit up before wrapping around her in a tight embrace.

"Mirae we were so worried, we came as quick as we could! Are you ok?" She recognized the voice, blinking to clear her head as she saw 6 people crowding around her.

"J-Jaemin...? you guys came." She breathed out, feeling her body going weak from the pain and stress.

"Of course we did! Are you ok?"

"Yeah just a little-"

She abruptly cut off as her head started spinning and her world went black. She passed out in his arms, the pain and panic too much for her to handle.

"Shit, Mark! We need to take her to see Doyoung!" They all turned to look at the older boy, who was still by the car, leaning on the door with a bored expression.

"What? No. We came and saved her from the bad guys, our job is done. Make sure she gets to her house or whatever and then we have to go."

"She passed out! We can't just leave her there!"

"You're all in school, she lives with someone, right? Just go tell her roommate or parents or whoever that she fell asleep at your place." Mark didn't even look at them as he polished his gun.

The six boys shared worried glances, none of them wanted to leave and unconscious Mirae alone with Woobin.

"Mark, please. We can't leave her... she's our friend."

Mark paused, looking up from his gun to stare at the 6 boys. His eyes flickered over to the girl in Jaemin's arms, her face cut up and bloody. He saw the desperation in their eyes, letting out a frustrated huff before unlocking the car.

"Hurry up then, get her in the back."

The boys broke into large smiles as they rushed back to the car, Jaemin carrying Mirae and carefully placing her in the back between Jeno and Haechan.

"I can't believe I'm doing this for you guys. Taeyong is going to kill me." Mark mumbled angrily under his breath as he hopped in the car and sped home.

"Renjun, call Doyoung and tell him we're coming. Jisung, text Taeyong about what's going on. I'd rather him know about this ahead of time so he can cool down a bit before kicking out asses." Mark commanded to the younger boys, his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel in frustration.

The boys just nodded their heads in response, not wanting to further upset the already angry Mark, and did as they were told.

"Here," Mark pulled out a black blindfold from the compartment and tossed it to the boys in the back. "Put this on her before we get there."

"Mark, she's literally unconscious. Plus she has cuts all over her face. She's not going to see anything."

"I said do it. Now." Mark growled out lowly, making eye contact with Jeno through the mirror.

Jeno and Haechan shared a reluctant glance before carefully slipping the blindfold over her eyes, trying to avoid as many cuts as possible.

"This is the last time we'll ever abandon a mission for something like this."

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