Chapter 23

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Mirae walked into the main room where her best friends were all crowded around the couch. Haechan was glowing, a proud smirk on his face. Jisung and Chenle were clapping excitedly with huge smiles as they stared at the screen. Jeno and Renjun were hunched forward in total focus while Jaemin watched with a bored pout.

"Alright ladies, the queen is here."

All their heads turned at the sound of her voice, their faces lighting up.


"Who do I have to beat today?" She said, playfully cracking her knuckles.

"Beat? No. Sorry hun but I'm king at this game." Haechan said with a scoff, rolling his eyes and dusting off his shoulders.

"Yeah? We'll see about that. Hand me a controller."

Jaemin straightened up in his seat, eagerly handing Mirae his controller. She stared at the full couch, looking for a place to sit. Noticing her dilemma, Jaemin patted his lap. She smiled at him and sat down as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.

The others thought nothing of this as she would do this with all of them, but most often Jaemin. However, when Mark walked into the room and saw Jaemin happily clinging onto her, he felt his throat tighten up.

Mirae was leaning forward, intensely staring at the screen as her fingers flicked at the controller. She had a competitive smirk on her face and she was tense with total focus.

Jaemin's arms were wrapped securely around her waist, a content smile on his face as the small girl sat in his lap. He watched over her shoulder, giving her cheers of encouragement as she played.


Haechan sprung up from his seat, a pout on his face as he threw his controller down in anger. Jeno and Renjun leaped from their seats, high fiving one another before turning to Mirae, who was currently being squished in a victory hug by Jaemin. The two boys stepped past Haechan and piled on top of the pair, all cheering over Haechan's loss.

"It's not fair!" Haechan whined, "Mirae is too good at games! She never lets me win..."

"Well you should've thought of that before you started gloating" Renjun snapped playfully, "then we wouldn't have called Mirae in."

"Whatever" Haechan grumbled unhappily as he slumped back down onto the couch.

Mirae laughed lightly as she shoved all the boys off of her and went to sit next to Haechan. She wrapped her arms around his arm, looking up at him with her chin on his bicep and her signature cute face.

"Don't be sad, Channie! We can play again. I'm sure you'll beat me this time. Please don't be sad!"

He tried to hold her gaze but eventually gave up with a sigh. None of them could resist Mirae when she really wanted to charm them.

"Ugh fine, I'm not sad." He smiled at her, using his hands to squish her cheeks as she sat up. "So does that mean you're going to let me win?"

"Ha, in your dreams, I'm not letting you have it that easy." She laughed out as Jaemin pulled her back into his lap.

"Well maybe I'll just beat you then."

"Good luck with that." Jeno snorted out. "You've never beaten her before, she's literally unbeatable when it comes to this type of stuff."

"Can I try?"

All 7 of them instantly turned at the sound of another voice, their eyes landing on Mark who had been standing in the doorway watching them.

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