Chapter 43

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"Mirae... I am sorry about all of this, you know that right?"

She just slowly nodded her head, not daring to look at Hyunwoo. The two of them were still in the small room, Mirae sitting by the window and Hyunwoo sitting closer to the door on a couch.

I wonder if I could jump from here...

She thought to herself as she gazed out the window.

No, dumb idea. It's at least four stories and it's concrete down there. They'll find me. I know they will.

The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps and doors slamming from further down their hallway. Instantly Mirae stood up, knowing that someone was coming, whether that be NCT to rescue her or one of Byungchul's men. She hoped so badly that Jaemin or Taeyong or Jaehyun or even... Mark, would walk through that door because she knew that if it wasn't one of them, they had lost.

The slamming got louder as whoever was searching for them came closer and closer. Hyunwoo stood up from his seat, clutching the gun in his hand and going to stand in front of Mirae with the weapon pointed towards the door.

The footsteps were close now and Mirae could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She was sure Hyunwoo could hear it too from the way he glanced back at her over his shoulder and flashed her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Mirae, I'll protect you from that cheater and those stupid liars."

You should be more worried about protecting yourself, idiotic piece of shit!

She had to bite her tongue to refrain from lashing out at him, instead she muttered a soft 'thank you'. She spoke so quietly that she almost throught he didn't hear her, but she saw the way his tense muscles relaxed ever so slightly and his posture straightened.

Maybe this will work.

Suddenly the footsteps were right outside the door. With a few loud bangs, the door flew open, the light from the hallway streaming in and making it difficult to see.

"Who comes here?" Hyunwoo called out as a silhouette stood in the doorway. "Drop your weapon!" He called again while the figure drew closer.

Once her eyes adjusted to the light, Mirae's heart stopped as she recognized the boy in front of her.


She stepped out from behind Hyunwoo to get a good look at the boy.


She could see the relief wash over his whole body once he saw her, his eyes quickly scanning for any injuries or blood.

"Ah so we meet again, Mark Lee." Hyunwoo sneered out at the boy, still clutching tightly to his gun.

"Let her go, Hyunwoo." Mark growled out in a tone so threatening that even Mirae got shivers.

"Or what?" Hyunwoo growled back, the two boys eyes locked onto one another.

"Or I'll take care of you the same way I took care of your father."

Hyunwoo froze at Mark's words, his hand starting to tremble.

"My-my dad is... he's..."

"Dead. I killed him, Hyunwoo. And you're next."

Hyunwoo, keeping the gun pointed at Mark, turned to glance over his shoulder to look at Mirae.

"You hear him, Mirae? This is what he is. A killer. A monster." He turned back to face Mark with a smirk on his face. "Just like in the video I showed you earlier."

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