Chapter 39

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Jaemin's eyes widened at Haneuls words, all the boys behind him freezing as well. He quickly gestured her inside the house. She looked around skeptically at all the boys suited up and carrying numerous weapons. Jaemin saw her looking and panicked.

"Uh this is all just Uh..." he glanced around nervously, unsure of what to do.

"It's fine, Jaemin. You guys are NCT, right?" His jaw dropped, the rest of the boys staring at her with a mix of fear and confusion.

"Don't worry about me, I know all about the mafia and who you guys are. Chan is my older brother. That's how I found this house in the first place."

"Wait, Chan as in Bang Chan? Leader of Stray Kids Bang Chan?" Taeyong asked, walking over to the girl.

"Yes, Leader of NCT Lee Taeyong." She replied with a smirk. "That Bang Chan. I'm not involved with the gang at all, Chan just tells me things since I'm curious, but that's not important. I'm here about Mirae."

"Right." Taeyong says, gesturing for her to take a seat. "Where is she?"

"It's complicated. There's a bit of a story behind it." She says, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Well, tell it quickly then."

"Alright, so basically I'm one of Mirae's best friends along with another girl named Areum."

All the boys tensed up at the mention of the name, remembering her from the story Jaemin told them about Mark.

"Judging by your reaction, I'd assume that Jaemin told you guys what happened today." They nodded as she continued. "I'll clear that up as well because it's not what you think, anyways" she cleared her throat.

"As I was saying, Mirae, Areum, and I have always been friends but we never knew about each other's involvement in the mafia. It turns out that all three of us have ties."

"Three?" Haechan asked. "You mean... Areum too?"

"Yes. Everything that happened today was staged. Areum has always been a very jealous girl, and she would often talk about how much she envied Mirae for being so close to you boys." She gestured to the 6 dreamies.

"She's very superficial, and when she first saw Mark, how handsome he was on his bike and all, it was like a dream come true. But then when Mirae showed up and rode off with him, she became increasingly jealous." Haneul rolled her eyes.

"She's also been in an on and off relationship with Hyunwoo, and hearing that he was interested in Mirae pissed her off. Now, I didn't know Hyunwoo was involved in the mafia, but I did overhear a conversation between the two of them around the time he asked Mirae out on a date. Areum had confronted Hyunwoo about trying to date Mirae while she was still in love with him. Hyunwoo, being a player, must've used that to his advantage to get her to join because the next day at school, I saw the tattoo on her neck."

"Did this have anything to do with Mark?" Jeno asked her.

"I was just about to get to that. When we heard today that Mirae was dating Mark, Areum's jealousy bubbled over, despite having seemingly reconnected with Hyunwoo. I was leaving the building when I saw her approach Mark, who was waiting for Mirae by his bike. I thought it was sketchy so I followed her. She told him that Mirae had asked for her to bring him inside, so of course he followed her. They waited by her locker, Areum had offered to keep him company, and the moment that she heard Mirae and Jaemin's voices, she shoved him against the wall and kissed him."

"What?" Jaemin breathed out in disbelief.

Right at that moment the front door opened and Mark walked in. His hair was a mess, his cheeks were stained with tears, and his eyes were puffy and red. He had obviously been a mess before coming home. Slowly he looked up to see all the boys in full combat gear staring at him. His eyes then landed on Haneul.

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