Chapter 27

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Mirae couldn't help but smile as the two of them sped through the city. She felt a rush of adrenaline and excitement as they weaved between cars, the building flying past them in a blur. She had no idea where Mark was taking her, but she was loving the ride.

Eventually they slowed near a tall building. It was covered in reflective glass and had security monitoring the whole area. Mark turned into the parking lot, the guards instantly opening the doors at the first sight of him.

He pulled into a spot, killing the engine and taking off his helmet. Mirae reluctantly let go of him and did the same, carefully hopping down from the bike.

"Where are we, Mark?"

"You'll see. I'll explain inside."

They left their helmets on the bike and walked towards the entrance to the large building. As they approached the doors, Mark reached down and gently grabbed Mirae's hand. She looked up at him once she felt his touch but he continued to stare straight forward, a cold expression on his face.

There were two guards at the door, causing Mirae to tense up at the sight of them, but as the guards saw Mark, they quickly hurried to pull open the doors for them, bowing as they walked by.

Inside, Mirae realized that this was obviously a big deal. Everything was very high end and fancy inside, the dozens people rushing back and fourth all dressed in formal suits and dresses.

She glanced down at her own outfit, suddenly self conscious. She was wearing a white, cropped, lacy-patterned tank top, which showed off an inch or so of her thin waist, Paired with black pleated skirt and some black ankle boots. She felt totally out of place in this obviously formal business environment.

Mark felt her tense up and took a glance at her. He instantly noticed the awkward discomfort on her face and rubbed his thumb comfortingly on the back of her hand.

"Relax, Mirae. Don't feel uncomfortable here, it doesn't matter what you look like. You're with me."

She didn't quite understand what he meant but went along with it as they walked into the main part of the building. Mirae quickly noticed how the people inside reacted to Mark. They all quickly got out of his was and bowed as he passed, hand in hand with Mirae.

"What is this? Do you own this place or something?" Mirae whispered to him as they continued to walk through.

"I'll tell you once we reach our destination. I promise. We're almost there."

She nodded and looked forward again as they entered an elevator. Mark pressed the button to the top floor and the elevator started to go up.

"What are we doing?"

"So impatient." Mark laughed out. "You'll see, you're going to love it."

She just looked at him skeptically as the doors to the elevator opened. There was a long hallway in front of them and an older man quickly came to greet them.

"Hello, Mr. Lee, it's a pleasure to have you visit us." The man said quickly, dropping into a deep, respectful bow.

"I assume everything is in working order as usual, Mr. Kim?"

"Yes yes of course of course." The man, who was apparently called Mr. Kim, responded with an enthusiastic smile.

"And who would this be?" Mr. Kim asked, finally noticing Mirae.

"Oh, I'm-"

"She's my guest." Mark answered before Mirae could introduce herself.

"Ah I see. Well, does the boss know about her? You know I'm required to alert him to-"

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