Epilogue (pt 2) 100k special

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"Executive Director Park! President Seo requested your approval of these plans for the new Neo City headquarters. He wants your signature by the end of the day."

Mirae stopped walking, turning to see a boy smiling at her with folders in his hand. She carefully took them with a nod.

"Thank you, Manager Jung, tell him I'll send my assistant over with the documents once I've reviewed them."

The two of them had to hold back their laughter at the formalities, dipping their heads respectfully to one another.

"Oh one more thing." She spun back to face Jaehyun, seeing a cheeky smile on his face. "Vice President Lee requested your presence in his office."

She rolled her eyes, letting out a light chuckle as she saw Jaehyun wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Try not to get lipstick all over him this time, that was tough to explain to the guards." He whispered as he walked past, Mirae giving him a light shove before heading to the elevator.

She walked briskly down the hallway of the top floor, her brother sending her a wave as she passed his office, knocking on the door at the far end.

"Come in."

She turned the handle, a smile instantly making its way onto her face as she walked in.

"Ah yes, Director Park. Shut the door please, we have some important details to discuss about the new building." He said loudly, his voice not giving away the goofy grin on his face.

She obeyed his command, quickly shutting the door. The second the latch clicked shut, the two of them let out a sigh, Mark rising from his seat and walking over to her.

His hands wrapped around her waist as he pulled her into him, their lips meeting in a sweet kiss.

"I've missed you, babe." He sighed as he released her, the two of them going to sit on the couch in the corner.

"My office is literally across the hall." She laughed out as he played with her fingers.

"I know but you've been in meetings all day." He whined.

"We've been in meetings all day. We sat next to each other for three hours, you big baby."

"Yeah and I'm sure we were equally bored." He said with a chuckle. "Work can be so boring with all these formalities. I'm glad I made this office soundproof."

"Don't get any ideas, Vice President Lee." She said playfully, seeing the expression on his face. "We're still at work."

"Yeah well, when we're in this office we don't need to hide." He mumbled. "Speaking of which, let me fix this."

She watched as he slid her diamond wedding ring off her right hand and onto the fourth finger of her left.

"That's the proper place for my wife's ring while we're in this office." He said with a satisfied smile. "Someday we're gonna have to talk to Taeyong about letting people know about us. You know I get possessive."

"I know, I know. I'll talk to my brother about it. He still finds it a bit weird." She laughed out.

"You'd think after three years he'd be used to it by now." Mark groaned. "Plus, there's not much he can do once we have some little mini Mirae's running around this office."

"Ah ah ah, don't start with me." She said with a giggle. "We've only been married for less than a year."

"I know, I'm not ready yet either, but someday it'll happen."

She nodded, seeing the pure love in his eyes as he stared at her. She could already envision their future family together and she knew that someday, she'd be training her own children for a life of adventure.

"Do you ever miss it?"

"Miss what?" Mark asked, sitting up straighter.

"Missions and stuff. It's been a while for us since we moved to the corporate side of things."

"Yeah, retiring from Dream was tough but I'm glad I did it."


"Well, because I can focus on you. And us." He said, intertwining their fingers. "And I hear that Sungchan and Shotaro have been doing a great job with them.
Plus WayV has been helping out."

"Yeah, I've been watching them. They're doing great." She said with a smile.

"You still train with them, right?" She nodded. "Well, if you ever wanted to go fight some bad guys, there's no shortage of criminals in this city."

"Maybe we should. It's been a while since the two of us were on the field together."

"How about right now?"


"Yeah why not? I'm bored as fuck and I think both of us are realizing that we can't stay on the corporate side of NCT forever." He stood up, holding out a hand to her. "What do you say?"

She stood as well, taking his hand with an enthusiastic smile.

"Let's do this."

They quickly changed out of their work clothes, both of them putting on some black jeans and leather jackets. They slipped on their sunglasses, hands intertwined as they walked to the back of Mark's office to his private elevator.

They arrived at the garage, each of them hopping on their own motorcycles with adrenaline pumping through their veins.

"Race you there!" She called, quickly putting on her helmet.

"You're about to get your ass kicked, Park!" He yelled, the two of them laughing.

With a loud whir from their engines, the two of them sped off out of the parking lot and through the crowded streets of the city, the rush of energy like a distant memory finally being revisited.

Mirae smiled as she saw Mark, speeding down the street beside her. She felt so lucky to have found him through all of this. With him, she saw a future. A life. Everything she could have ever wanted.

What their future held was unknown, but with him by her side she knew the possibilities were limitless <3


Omg I cannot believe this book has actually hit 100k. How do I even say thank you enough??? I'm hoping you will enjoy this epilogue pt. 2 as a token of my gratitude.

I've had a few requests for a full blown part 2 of this book, so I would love to know if you're interested. If you have any suggestions for where I could take this story, pls let me know, I'm very open to the idea. I can't guarantee anything but know it's in the back of my mind.

I've got a ton of books in the works, so please look forward to those of you likes this one.

Once again, thank you thank you THANK YOU SO MUCH for showing this story so much love. You're all absolute gems.

Until the next story,

Author Hyun.

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