Chapter 28

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Mirae nervously looked around the store, her eyes now searching for all the dangers that probably were right in front of her. Mark grabbed her hand with a nod and started pulling her towards a store.

"Mmhmm, mafia. This is where gangs in this area can shop for things without having to steal or make them. It's also a place to relax for us since even criminals like to shop sometimes."

"Wait, you mean to tell me that all the people in here are from gangs?"

She noticed the tons of other people in the store, all dressed in black, most of them having tattoos on their arms. She then saw the little glints of knives and guns by their waists and felt the fear rising in her chest.

"Yes but don't worry, everyone knows that this is neutral territory, you'll be fine. You might even meet a few people." He winked at her as they went into the store.

It was a dark store filled with all black clothing. Different types of shirts, skirts, dresses, and pants with pockets and holsters for weapons. Some were waterproof, some were heatproof, some bulletproof.

"Alright, the first time we went shopping I wasn't... the kindest to you, so I'm gonna make that up today. We're going to get you fully outfitted and equipped for a mission and really make you look like one of us."

- - -

After an hour of shopping, Mark and Mirae each had a big bag in their hands as they walked through the store. It was far more fun than she had expected and Mark had kept her laughing the whole time, while also making sure to get her everything she might need and then some more.

"What now?" Mirae asked as they walked through the mall, her previous fear gone and now replaced by excitement.

"Hmm.... how about.... some boba before we head back?" Mark said, pointing at a bubble tea shop. Mirae's eyes lit up at the shop, nodding her head and dragging Mark over.

Once they got their drinks, they took a seat at one of the cute little tables set up outside. Mirae happily sipped on her drink, still smiling cheerfully.

"So, what did you think of today?" Mark asked, surprisingly nervous to hear her answer.

"It was great! I loved seeing your work and this place is unreal. These clothes" she gestured to the bags by their feet, "will make me feel like a real badass. I'll have to resist the urge to wear them to school."

"Oh that reminds me, I forgot to ask how you liked your first motorcycle ride?"

"Oh. My. God. I loved it!" She squealed out, earning some strange looks from the people nearby. "It was so cool, I definitely want to do it again."

"Well then how about I teach you to ride and until we can get you a bike of your own, I can pick you up from school every once in a while?"

She reached across the table and tightly squeezed his hand, nodding enthusiastically with a mouth full of boba.

"That would be-"

"Mark? Mark Lee?"

Mirae was cut off as they heard a voice next to them. The pair turned to the side to see three boys gathered there, also all dressed in black.

"Chan? What's up man, it's been so long." Mark instantly stood from his seat, bro hugging the one who spoke first.

"It's good to see you, who's this?" Chan asked, nodding his head towards Mirae.

"Oh! This is Mirae, the newest addition to NCT. Mirae, this is Chan, leader of a gang called Stray Kids. They're one of our closest allies so you can relax" he added seeing how tense she was.

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