Chapter 10

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Mirae froze as she saw her brother emerge from his room on the opposite side of the apartment. Her face paled and she felt the panic rising in her chest as he stumbled towards her.

"I don't know where the fuck you've been, and honestly I don't care. Just get to fucking work and clean this apartment, you ungrateful bitch."

Taeyong and Johnny looked at one another, still out of Woobin's sight by the entrance. Mirae stayed rooted to her spot, staring at her brother's figure but refusing to meet his eyes. He scoffed at her actions, his anger heightened by the alcohol in his system.

"Do I need to come over there and make you listen to me?" He growled lowly, his glare boring into his sister.

"Don't bother, Woobin. Mirae's leaving and she's not coming back." Jaemin spoke up from behind her, stepping into Woobin's view.

"Oh it's you again. You know your a real pain in the ass, pretty boy, but Mirae isn't going anywhere. She lives here, with me."

"Not anymore she doesn't."

"Oh yeah? And where are you going, Mirae? No one will care for a bitch like you."

"I-I.. I'm..."

"She's moving in with me." Jaemin stood firm my her side, shifting closer to the girl now shaking in fear.

"Oh wow, moving in with boy toy, huh? I didn't know you were such a slut, little sister. Mom and dad will be disappointed to know that they adopted a whore." Woobin sneered at the girl, seeing the change in her emotions at the mention of their parents.

"Don't bring mom and dad into this."

"Are you trying to fucking tell me what to do?" Her brother yelled out. "I guess you never learn your lesson, do you?"

Woobin began walking towards her with his arm raised to strike. Jaemin tensed, ready to move Mirae behind him but Woobin never got close.

Mark's hand shot out from the entrance hallway, rounding the corner and gripping tightly onto Woobin's wrist, halting him completely. His nails dug into the drunken boy's skin before harshly shoving Woobin back.

"Don't you dare touch them."

Mark spoke with a low voice, a dangerous bite to his threat that shocked Woobin momentarily, but soon his attitude returned.

"Another pretty boy... you're worse than I thought Mirae." Woobin spat out. Mark stepped towards him but was stopped by a hand on his arm, pulling him backwards.

Taeyong and Johnny rounded the corner, leaning against the wall and staring coldly at Woobin.

"Mark, go wait in the car with Jaemin and Mirae. We'll sort things out here."

Mark didn't budge, his eyes shooting daggers at Woobin who stared back with an equally deadly glare.

"Mark. Now."

Mark turned away at Taeyong's command, walking to the door and beckoning Mirae and Jaemin to follow. As Mirae passed her brother, he lunged forward towards her, but Taeyong was quicker. His hand shot out from his side, wrapping around Woojin's neck and shoving him backwards into the wall.

"Don't even fucking try it."

- - -

Mirae and Jaemin climbed into the back of the car, Mark going to sit up front in the passengers seat. The second she sat down, Mirae burst into tears. Jaemin instantly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly into his embrace.

"It's ok Mimi, you're never going to have to deal with him again. He can't hurt you anymore, alright? You're safe. It's okay. You're okay."

Mark watched through the rear view mirror as Jaemin reassuringly whispered to the crying Mirae. He watched her tremble as the sobs wracked through her small body and the tears streamed down her cheeks. He tore his gaze away from the mirror, looking out the window to clear his head as he waited for the others.

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