Chapter 25

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"Good job today, Mirae."

Mirae jumped in shock as she walked into her dark room, flicking on the lights and seeing Mark sitting on her bed.

"Jesus you scared me." She breathed out, clutching her chest.

"Eh, you should expect it by now." He shrugged at her. "But sorry anyway."

"It's fine," she smiled in return, going to sit beside him. "Like I said before, I like your company."

"Here," he stood up, lightly grasping her hand and bringing her over to the couch. "I brought us some hot chocolate."

"Aw ur the best." She said, happily picking up her mug and sipping on it.

Mark still held onto her hand. They never had any real skin ship except for hand holding. Mirae could tell that Mark wasn't comfortable with hugs and things yet, but holding hands made him calm so she never pulled away.

"Is it good?" He asked, putting down his mug and looking at her.

"Mmhmm it's great!" She said, turning to him with a nod.

Mark immediately broke out into a large smile when she faced him seeing whipped cream on her nose.


"Nothing, nothing." He chuckled out, grabbing a tissue. "You just have something right here." He gently wiped her nose, causing her to blush slightly.

"Ugh I'm a mess." She laughed out.

"It's cute." He continued to stare at her with a smile on his face.

"You know," she started, putting down her mug to face him. "You've been smiling a lot recently, I mean, not around the guys, but still. It's nice."

"You told me to, remember?"

She tilted her head in confusion like a little puppy, causing him to chuckle.

"When you hurt your ankle. You told me to smile to make it up to you and then said that you'd like to see me smile more."

"Well yeah but don't feel pressure. I wasn't trying to force you to smile." She giggled out.

"I barely know how to smile naturally, let alone fake one." He joked back. "Don't worry, my smiles are real. Only you can make me smile."

Her cheeks flared red in a deep blush at his words.

"Aish you're so cheesy, but thank you."

He nodded as she went to take another sip of her drink.

"So, how did you like your first day of shooting?" Mark said, changing the subject. "You seemed like a natural."

"Hardly." She joked, rolling her eyes. "I couldn't even stand straight until you helped me. Thanks for that by the way."


A comfortable silence settled over the two of them as Mirae remembered her homework on her desk and her school schedule for tomorrow.

Mark, on the other hand, was lost in thought, remembering what happened earlier. He could still feel the way her heart beat was pounding through her back when he pressed his chest against her. The way her muscles tensed up when he whispered in her ear and the heat radiating off her cheeks as he moved close.

He unintentionally smiled at the thought of their closeness. The way she slowly relaxed into him and the victory on her face when she got the bullseye. Mirae noticed the growing smile on his face.

"What are you over there thinking about?"

"Me? Oh.. it's nothing."

"Aw come on, tell me!"

Limitless || Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now