Chapter 37

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Mirae's voice broke as her worst fears were confirmed when she looked at him. She stared at the boy who was currently pressed up against the wall by her, now ex, friend Areum.

"What...?" She couldn't even finish her sentence, at a loss for words by the sight in front of her.

Areum smirked at her as she leaned on Mark. The second Mark's eyes landed on Mirae, he gasped, shoving Areum off of him and onto the ground.


She ignored him, turning and bolting down the hallway, tears streaming down her face as she ran. Mark took a step to chase after her but was stopped by a punch from Jaemin. The younger boy punched him straight across the face, knocking him to the side and cutting his lip.

"Don't even try to follow her, you piece of shit."


"Why did you confess to her last night if you were just going to come here and make out with Areum? What do you gain from hurting her, hmm? What did she ever do to you?"

The younger boy shouted at Mark, his protective side bubbling to the surface and filling him with rage.

"I-I didn't..."

"I don't even want to hear it you fucking bitch." Jaemin spat out. "I knew this was going to happen but I trusted her judgement. I trusted you. That you would be there for her when she needed you. I was going to back off. I was going to stop being so protective and let her run to you instead of me, but that was my mistake."

Jaemin started to turn to follow after Mirae, clenching his fists in anger. He took a few steps before turning back around.

"Was it all an act? The night time visits, the secret training, and motorcycle rides? The way you were always sharing your secrets with her to get her to trust you, and we're always there to be a shoulder for her to cry on? Was it all a way for you to catch her off guard and hurt her more?"

"How do you know about all of that?"

Jaemin scoffed, an amused huff leaving his lips as he looked down at Mark.

"Why do you think I'm so protective over her in the first place? I'm her best friend. We've known each other for more than half of our lives. She tells me everything. Anything that you heard from her, chances are, I've heard it too. You might think you've gotten her to trust you, but Mirae is more private than you think and she trusts me more than anyone else in her life." Jaemin spits out, glaring at Mark.

"Which is also why I know just how much she really, genuinely liked you. And I can only imagine how much this will break her. You're even worse than Taeyong was. I hope you're happy."

Mark hangs his head, giving up on trying to explain himself as the tears well in his eyes.

"And you," Jaemin growls, walking over to Areum and throwing her against the lockers. "Some friend you were. You're nothing but a backstabbing slut. Mirae didn't even do anything to you, you bitch." Jaemin released her collar, letting her thump onto the ground as he turned and took off to go and find Mirae.

- - -

Mirae tore through the hallways of the school, not even knowing where she was going with the tears blurring her vision. She burst through the doors, running out of the building.

"Hey hey, woah Mirae whats going on? Why are you crying?"

She felt a pair of strong arms grab her shoulders and stop her from running. Blinking quickly she noticed Hyunwoo standing in front of her, concern written all over his face.

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