Chapter 8

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Mirae woke up early the next morning to the sound of birds chirping by her window. She was momentarily panicked as she opened her eyes before remembering where she was.

So that was real... I'm not dreaming. I'm actually living at a mafia house...

She rolled over, stretching her arms and going to check the time. 6am. Groaning to herself, she grabbed her phone and sat up.

Why the hell did my dumbass brain decide to wake up so fucking early?

On her phone were a bunch of angry messages from her brother. He would be one thing that she knew she wouldn't miss from her normal life. Ignoring the messages, she pushed herself off of her bed and went to check out the clothes in her closet.

As she searched through the clothes, she chucked to herself. It was obvious that the guys were much bigger than her and knew nothing of how to buy clothes for someone her size since all of the clothes were massive on her small frame. She settled for a pair of black leggings and an oversized white shirt, bunching the excess material and tying it in front of her.

After brushing her hair and using some of the makeup they got her, which was much nicer than her usual drugstore products, she left her room. The hallways were silent so she assumed she was the first one awake.

Eventually, after a few wrong turns, she made her way to their massive kitchen and got to work. She began cooking breakfast for the guys, figuring that it was the least she could do for them. About 45 minutes later, she began to hear footsteps coming from the floor above her.

"Mirae? What are you doing?"

"Oh, good morning Taeyong!" She looked over her shoulder to smile at the boy before turning back to the stove. "I'm just cooking some breakfast for you guys."

"Wow, uh, thanks Mirae. You really didn't-"


"Is that Bacon?"

"Who's cooking? Kun is still asleep."


A bunch of boys burst into the kitchen, their eyes scanning the counters wildly in search of food. She finished taking the last of the pancakes off the stove and turned to look at the newcomers.

"Morning guys!"

"Hi Mirae!"

"Wow did you make all of this?"


"Mirae is a great cook. Everything she makes is delicious." Jaemin pulled her into a side hug before taking the plate from her hands and carrying it to the dining room.

Jisung and Jeno also grabbed plates. The three of them brought food out to the guys as Mirae quickly cleaned up. Once she walked out, all of the guys were sitting along a giant table. The food was spread out as they stared at it hungrily. She stood there awkwardly for a bit before Yuta patted an open seat between him and Johnny. She quickly walked over and took a seat as the guys began eating.

"So Mirae, did you sleep okay last night?" Johnny asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it was great. It's much more peaceful here than at my house."

"You only live with your brother though. Is he that disruptive that it's better being in a house with 23 boys?" Ten asked from across the table. She smiled nervously.

"Yeah I guess you have a point. I meant to say that it's just... different here. But a good different."

Taeyong watched her closely from his seat next to Ten. He instantly took notice of her discomfort, sharing a quick glance with Johnny but deciding not to push the issue further.

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