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1 Year Later

“CAN YOU STOP!” Zero shouted at Ace who was whining beside him. “Go to your boyfriend! Now!” He smack him on the head and pointed at the direction where Win was sitting.

“Your suppose to be with him not me!” Zero reminded him as Ace stopped whining and sat properly.

He looked at the direction where Win was sitting, he immediately glared at him and turn his attention to Zero who was peacefully eating his lunch.

Ace annoyingly poked his shoulder a couple times before whining again, “Sean isn’t helpful! You need to help me!”

Zero turn to him, “Do you think I’m in the position to help you? Do you think I have a boyfriend?”

Ace tsked and rest his cheeks on his hand supported by his elbow, “Aish…When will I know the answer?”

“Why don’t you just ask him you asshole? You’re his boyfriend after all not me” Zero pointed out as he ate his lunch, chewing the piece of chicken in his mouth.

“You think his an angel? His a fucking beast!” Ace half-shouted as Zero sighed heavily and ate the last piece of his food.

He seriously cant eat peacefully, he then grabbed his drink and started to count to ten from his mind.

Sipping his drink, when the countdown hit one he heard Sean shouting behind him.

“AYYYA! Ace you’re here I thought you were with your boyfriend?” Sean greeted and put his tray on he table and sat down, Mars did the same.

Zero stop sipping and clicked his tongue, “He had been destroying my eardrums by his complains, its bleeding already”

Ace punched him on the shoulder as Sean patted Ace, “Just go to him, his your boyfriend after all”

“That’s what I said” Zero said as Ace sulked, the three of them started to talk as Zero silently listened to them.

Its always been like this, the four of them having lunch with each other then they will talk, sometimes he would reply but he mostly would listen to them.

In the middle of the conversation Zero’s phone ranged in his pocket, he excused himself as he took the call, walking out the table and stood beside the tree which was a few feet from there table.

Answering the call his mothers voice greeted him. “Zero honey can you bring the dessert from the Fresh Bakery?”

“What for?” Zero asked as he heard his mother gasp. “You don’t know?”

Zero shooked his head not replying to his mother question. “My goodness Zero! It’s Fifth birthday!”

Zero face scowl, “Great..” He mumbled.

What was that?”

“I said great” His voice was dead, “Go get the dessert honey, just tell them my name” She reminded as Zero said an ‘ok’.

You should buy him a gift too” She suggested as Zero face twist even more, he forced himself to say another ‘ok’.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now