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THE NEXT MORNING the three siblings were in the table, Zero often sits the table so it as a bit awkward.

Rosy was looking at him as Zero glance at her, his sister gave him a look gesturing her head at her dad. The two of them decided to ask Mark since it was his house after all.

Zero straighten his back and cleared his throat he looked at Mark, “Uhh…Dad? Can I ask you something?” Zero asked as Mark looked at him, he placed his coffee down at the table.

“What is it?” Mark answered as Zero took a glance at Rosy before asking Mark. “Can I tutor someone here every Saturday?”

“Who is it?”

“Its my senior, I just want to ask you if its ok to tutor him here since I’ll be tutoring Rosy at the same day” Zero inform as Mark looked at his youngest.

He eyed Rosy, “Is there something wrong with your subject honey?” He asked as Rosy nod, “Yeah, its English the subjects getting complicated and,” She point at Zero, “His senior also has a problem at English so…”

“But you’re a junior, the one his tutoring is a senior the lesson is different” Fifth said, he had been listen to them, he found it weird that Zero is asking something from his dad.

From what he knew Zero never ask or talk to his dad except if its important or school related, asking something out of blue especially the tutoring was fishy.

“I can teach the both of them,” Zero state, he looked at Mark and continued, “I can teach them since its related to English the lesson is just  different, I cant teach one of them at Sundays it my day off”

Fifth didn’t seem to be convince at all, “Then how about at Monday? Tuesday? Or any other day?”

Zero looked at him with a dead expression, “I teach almost 80 student in the university both senior and junior, its no a problem for me to teach one senior and junior every Saturday”

Zero remark but he sound like he was bragging at how he tutor students, Mark who was listening widen his eyes hearing Zero tutoring almost 80 student.

Fifth just scoffed at him and ate his breakfast, seeing Fifth shutting his mouth Zero smirked in victory and turn around to Mark to ask the permission.

"Can I?" He asked as Mark gave him a warm smile, “Of course, its not  problem as long as your teaching our princess here” He took a glance at Rosy who gave him a huge smile.

Zero looked at Rosy who looked at him with happy eyes, the first part of the plan was done, now they have to arrange and adjust everything.

Now that they had the permission they could tell Quian that step one of the plan is checked.

The three of them quickly ate there breakfast, as they were finished Rosy stopped at the door. “What are you doing? Come on”

“I’ll wait for brother Zero” She answered as Fifth licked his dry lip, “He always go alone, lets go” Fifth insist as Rosy looked inside the car as she pursed her lips.

“Rosy” Fifth said with a firm voice, she turn to him and sigh as she walked first and Fifth followed her from behind.

Fifth got inside his car and close it, he looked at the window of his car and saw Zero walking to his own car talking someone in his phone.

Rolling his eyes he turn the engine on and started the car driving to the university.

He drop Rosy off her building as she bid goodbye at him, seeing his sister walking in he drive and parked his car at he usual spot.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now