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ZERO WAITED FOR a while at the university garden, textbooks and handouts were at the stone table as the big umbrella prevent him from burning under the sun.

The weather was just right and wind was a bit strong as he thanked in his thought so that he wont sweat.

“Zero!” A cheerful voice called him as he looked over his shoulder and saw Rosy along with Sole who was following behind her holding a water bottle,one textbooks with handouts between the pages for the tutoring as his bag was behind him.

The two of them arrived and sat on the two empty chairs across each other as Zero greeted the both of them.

He had told Rosy and Quian that they will be having someone joining at there time, the two immediately decline the idea but Zero told them he trust the kid and would understand the situation.

The couple didn’t trust the new kid but Zero told them he was just a distraction so Fifth wont be suspicious at the three of them.

Rosy glanced at the boy across her as she examine him, ‘Brownish hair with a bit of black, straight nose, light green eyes…’ She thought as Sole looked at Zero and asked something.

'He looks a bit like Zero if it wasn’t for his medium skin…’ She observe him for a while until Quian came over and sat down, he was about to greet her when he noticed his girlfriend looking at the boy across her with narrow eyes.

Although his an understanding boyfriend because Rosy was just checking Sole if his trustworthy he couldn’t help but felt a slight jealousy in his heart.

By doing so he reached out and pinched her cheeks making her screech as Zero and Sole turn there heads at the two of them. Rosy slapped Quians hand away as she rubbed her cheeks.

Glaring at her boyfriend, “That hurts you know, when will you learn to smoothen that pinch of yours?!”

Quian just gave her a smile then looked at Zero, “I think I’m ready to take the test” He said as Zero chuckled at him then gave him a test paper and gave another one for Rosy.

“Not to be nosy but why is the test paper blank?” Sole asked as he took a glimpse when Zero was handing out. Rosy side-glare him as Quian calmly wrote at the paper.

It was blank, since the two still have to stay undercover with or without Sole, Zero told them that they can communicate by just writing as they would look at each others papers and wrote there replies.

People would thought there actually taking a test but its actually just a conversation written on the paper.

Zero calmly replied, “I gave them questions at night and they would study it then write the answer” Sole nod then he tried to peek at there papers.

“Sole don’t mind them, tell me which part did Bleu stopped at your lesson” Zero calmly state as Sole open his book and pointed at where they stopped.

“Take some notes at this one, then this one. Just get the highlight key and memorize them” Zero pointed out every paragraph and word at the textbook as Sole nodded and started to write.

“After you memorize them I’ll test you, is that alright?” He asked as Sole nodded and proceed to write.

Seeing the three minding there own business, Zero relaxed his back as he watched his sister giggling slightly while glancing at Quian’s paper.

Good thing Sole was focused at his task and didn’t mind the two of them.

Zero enjoyed the scene as he closed his eyes and felt the breeze with the scent of the flower garden.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now