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HIS ROUTINE OF tutoring was usual, from Monday to Wednesday he was tutoring Fifth. Thursday to Saturday his tutoring Rosy and Quian along with Sole but only on Thursday and Friday.

For now, it was Friday and he was sitting at the table with them, Quian and Rosy would make conversation as they would write at a blank paper for ‘essay’.

Sole was the only real student that Zero was teaching at these times but he needed the latter as a distraction. “I forgot, here these are yours right?”

Zero looked up as he saw Sole handing out the papers that he told him to hide, it was folded as Rosy snatched it away looking at Sole cautiously.

Seeing her acting like that Sole gave her an assuring smile, “Don’t worry I didn’t read it” Rosy sighed in relief as she stuffs the paper in her bag.

“You sure?” Rosy asked as Sole nod, “Mmm. It’s not my business to look” He assure her one last time before turning to Zero.

“Can you help me at this? The professor was too fast to explain yesterday” Sole pointed at the paragraph in the book as Zero take a look at it.

He read it silently and understand then explain it to Sole who was still confuse, Zero could only pat his hair.

“It’s alright it takes time to understand don’t worry” He comforted the latter who just looked at the book with a tense expression. His hand slightly gripped the book he was holding.

“Are you alright?” Zero asked but the latter didn’t answer him, he was about to ask again when he noticed his hand was still resting at his head.

He immediately removed his hand and let out an awkward chuckle, “Sorry about that”

Sole just let out a nervous smile, he tried to tell him that it’s ok but he would shutter or looked away.

Zero reminded himself not to pat someone so casually, it would just make it awkward. Sole just looked at his book reading the same word over and over again not knowing that he started to get flustered.

His heart felt warm when Zero patted him on the head, seeing the flustered face Zero could only look at him and try to make the atmosphere go back to normal.

As the two were trying to figure out what to do to break the awkwardness, the couple who paid attention to them from the beginning could only make fun of them, giggling or chuckling at their awkward and cringe tension.

Rosy tried to suppress her giggle when she saw how flustered the new boy is, just a pat made him look like a tomato.

Quian nudges her under the table as Rosy looked at him “What?”

He gestures the two awkward boys as Rosy nod at the message, turning her attention back she cleared her throat as the two looked at her.

“Ah, Sole don’t be flustered about it. Zero usually pat his students to encourage them, he sometimes does that to Quian too” She informed but hearing the last part Quian almost felt wronged.

Zero shot him a disgust look as Quian did the same as he sticks his tongue out. Sole on the other hand felt a bit disappointed. Looking at Rosy he let out, “R-Really?”

The latter nod, “Mmm! It’s his way of encouraging them. Although some might mistake it as an affectionate gesture its really just a comfort and encouragement” She smiled as Sole nod at it.

“Sorry about that Sole it’s just out of an old habit” He said as Sole nod again giving him an assuring smile, “It’s alright I don’t mind it was just really sudden”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now