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THE THREE DAYS test that was held last week was answered by Zero for two days along with Fifth and the other students who also were absent in those days.

He wanted to finish it for a day since he still needs to pack up so that he could live with his dad. Yes, he decided to move with his dad and Sole.

Not that he still hates his mom, it because its been his promise since he was a kid, he also wants his dad to catch up with his life and be part of his life again.

His mother supported his decision although he knows that she would cry secretly with Mark inside there bedroom. Zero had to spends his days with her mom and assured her that he will still visit here in weekends.

Fifth on the other hand didn’t complain and just help him pack his stuff, he had been asking him if his alright if he moves cause he’ll stay if he wasn’t.

The older would just kiss him or say ‘It’s your choice not mine’. He sounds fine but his face would change after that, the latter clearly sees that his upset about the move out.

Right now Zero was checking every box before inside his car before closing it, mostly were books, clothes and things that he bought or was given to him.

When he turn around he was greeted by Fifth who walked towards him, Zero wiped the dust at his pants before opening his arms offering a hug.

Fifth let out a smile and went to his embrace and let  him be hugged by his boyfriend, he wrapped his arms around his waist as the latter rocked there body side to side like a slow dance.

Gently patting his back he lowly said near his ears, “Are you sure your alright with me moving with my dad?" He asked as he heard the same answer.

“It’s your choice not mine” Zero sighed as he rubbed his hands at his back in a comforting manner as he out a deep sigh. “Can you come to my house and have some dinner?”

He felt Fifth nuzzling on his shoulder near his neck as he hummed in response, “Sure, whatever you want”

Zero smiled as he turn his head to kiss head as Fifth snuggle closer, “Do you wanna sleep over too?” He asked trying to make him better, he could clearly sense the hesitate aura around Fifth about his moving, so to make him better he has to make a tempting offer and plan to confront him.

“I’ll sneak out when there all asleep” He said almost a whisper as he felt Fifth nodding his head as his boyfriend lifted his head and look at them as they stop moving and just hold each other.

“You better be” The both of them chuckled as they let go when they heard voices behind, looking at the new comers it was his mom holding a white box with a red ribbon wrapping around it.

“Here if you miss me just eat this” She handed him the box as Zero guess it was a blueberry pie, he smiled at his mom as she gave him a hug and let go.

“Mom I’ll visit you don’t be upset” He could see his mother tearing up as she lightly laughed, “We just fixed our problems and your suddenly leaving? That’s worth to be upset about”

Zero shake his head as he open the car and put the box on the passenger seat, closing the door he smiled at his family. “I’ll get going, my friends are waiting”

“Of course, of course” Rebecca smiled as she hold her tears as Zero shook his head and hugged her again, this time her tears started to fall down slowly as she sniffle, “I am upset”

Zero chuckled at the embrace and pat her shoulder lightly and gave her a peck on the cheek, “I’ll visit you promise, you can visit me if you want”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now