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WRITING THE LAST sentence in his papers he stood up and pass it to the teacher as he went back to his seat and grab his bag and went out.

Fifth didn’t want to stay there any longer because he didn’t want the teacher to rant his mouth at him, his been the ‘favorite’ by his current teacher.

He didn’t mind though because it was all words and if it did irritate him he’ll just call his dad and boom, his fired.

“Finished already? Please tell me you solve anything” Gabriel asked, “Yeah, all of it actually”

“Wait really?”

“Yeah, I didn’t know what came over me to answer it” He shrugged as Gabriel thought about his recent subject, “Your subject was just biology right?”


“You actually answer them? I heard from your classmates there were solving, you hate memorizing the formula” Gabriel state.

"Cant relate, my brain doesnt have any space memorizing formulas" Fifth bluntly comment as Gabriel snickered. 

Since they have different schedule they would often be apart but they were originally homeroom classmate.

“Is there an issue in that?” He asked as Gabriel shook his head, “It’s kind of surprising your answering these test”

“Dad force me to, you know how that goes. I need a good reputation for the future” Gabriel completely understand him since he himself is the next CEO of his father’s company.

Reputation is everything.

“Right, I’m just a shook that’s all” He said as they walked towards there next class which was six classrooms away, as they were walking Gabriel stopped making Fifth looked at him.

He was looking inside the classroom, he walked towards him and looked at what he was interested in.

Fifth was surprise to see Zero inside the class, he was a substitute teacher, with a book in his one hand and the other is holding a marker.

He was with the university representative, “His substituting too?” Gabriel asked while observing the two person, “His a grade A brat of course he do this kind of stuff”

Gabriel frown at him, “Can’t you at least appreciate him? Or care for him, you know his stuck with you forever right?”

Fifth looked at him with a cold stare, ‘If you knew what I did the other night you wouldn’t ask that’, “So what? Let’s go, don’t be a stalker to him, stalk someone else”

He walked ahead of him as Gabriel catches up to him shouting at him to wait but Fifth just ignored him and keep walking until he arrived at his next class.

Since he was seating at the back of his class he lazily put his bag in his desk and use it as a pillow, “Wake me up when class finished”

He told Gabriel who was sitting next to him, he just sighed as he nod his head while the teacher in front started to lecture them.

As the teacher was babbling her lecture, Fifth was just there taking a short nap, he was eventually awaken by the teacher shout as he flinched at it, as he glared her.

“What the fuck is she screeching about?” He asked as he eyed the teacher who was having a drama in front, lecturing the students.

“The others skipped again” Gabriel informed as Fifth rolled his eyes, “They ditched us?”

“Quian was with them, let them be. That boy has been on and off lately” Gabriel tapped his pen on his several times.

Fifth just groan at the noise and tried to get back to sleep, one of his hand stroke his hair as he felt somehow different. His mind imagine at how Zero’s fingers locks on his hair, patting it stroking it and even tugging it.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now