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STARRING AT THE black board Zero was biting his pen non-stop. He still remembers what happen a few days ago.

You know what could happen if you do that when we got caught right?” Fifth shoved his stuff at his bag.

“Then you should know what happen when you ran your mouth like,” Zero eyed him, “Be thankful I didn’t grab your dick”

“You should, you’re a brat you know how to do that” Fifth tried to ague with him as Zero looked at him, “You should also be thankful I’m aware of the situation,” He stood up grabbing his drink and looked at Fifth.

“Your dick wont shoot semen’s again if I hit it too hard”

Zero tried to recall when did that came from and why is he recalling it, Fifth was slightly shock at his response and ever since then Fifth would constantly try to argue with him.

It would sometimes related to his dick or any argument that he would come up, what’s worse is Fifth would also threaten him with the ‘one kiss one truth’ or ‘one command one sex’.

He also recall what Win said to him, though he had his thoughts but it never accured to anything and the threat would also relate to his studies.

Still he put his guard on.

Zero stopped chewing the tip of pen, it never been his habit to bit it but when he has his thoughts he would chew it to the point of breaking it.

Ever since the café incidence he would pick up weird habits like chewing the tip of pen or would look around if someone’s watching him.

Zero had been very conscious about it, he always remind himself not to come or be dragged away by Fifth but since there’s a ‘one kiss one truth’ or ‘one command one sex’ threat he could only obey and let himself get dragged.

“Class dismissed. Everyone checked page 245 for the review and make sure to answer the activity” The teacher reminded as she walked out the class.

Zero stretch his arms and let out a yawn as he felt a tap at his side, turning over he looked behind him.

“Zero you can take a break later, we have a project to finish” Mary stated, “Really? Ok then I’ll see you at your next schedule” Zero smiled as Mary bid her goodbye going to her next class.

Mary was one of the student that Zero tutored with,  hearing the statement he let out a breath knowing that at he will only tutored  Sole, Rosy and Quian.

He started to pack his stuff and clean his desk before going to his next class. Students at the corridor were still standing and talking to the other sections since there was a five minute break before each class start.

As he was walking to his next class which was ICT, he saw Mars and Sean running towards him, seeing the two of them he stopped and waited for them to stopped in front of him.

As the two spotted him they ran faster to him and went behind him, Zero turn around and saw there tired expression.

“You dickhead I told you don’t involved Zero!” Mars scolded Sean who was panting bending down as his hands rested on his thighs, glaring at Mars.

“You dragged me here!”

“I dragged you here to hide not to find Zero!”

Right in time Ace saw them as he walked towards them, “There you are, here the professor said you’ll need this”

Seeing Ace handing out the some papers towards Zero, Mars could only slap Sean’s shoulder. Sean straighten his back looking at Ace, “What are you doing here?”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now