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LOOKING AROUND THE social media with a freshly baked cake made by his boyfriend, Ace couldn’t help but felt in ease, especially when he just finished those three-long-ass-days exams.

But somehow, he was still bothered by two of his friends who shamelessly crashed down at his place to taste the newly baked cake.

“Win! This cake is so good!” Compliment by Sean who had his second slice of cake as Ace scowled at it. He grumbled silently as his hunger went down not having the alone time with the food that his lover made.

Win smiled at the compliment and chuckled at his boyfriend expression, Night who also came over saw this and could only feel pity for him as he took a sip on a drink that he order.

Mars just shake his head at Sean who was eating mostly, the delicious cake that was supposed to be for Chase, in his tasting he also found it really good.

“Remind me next time not to invite you” He glared at his friend beside him as he put his phone down in annoyance, “I don’t like a certified philandering eating my food that was specially made for me”

He made sure to emphasize the word making Sean to pat his back as his annoyance grew more, “Don’t worry my friend I’ll go after I finished it!”

Ace kick his leg causing Sean to hit Mars who was shoved at his own cake as the icing on the cake transferred at his nose. The two looked at him with wide eyes  as Mars turn his head to them.

“Sorry…” Ace apologized and looked at Mars who glared at him as Win gave him a box of tissue and Night handed Ace his ice cold milk as he thanked him for it.

Apologizing for the second time he took a sip on his ice cold milk as he looked at his phone, scrolling down through social media as Win sat beside him.

“I heard that your friend didn’t take a test today” Win started a conversation as Ace pursed his lips his eyes still on the phone, “Yeah, its also impossible for him to be sick since his a nerd freak who would push himself to take it even if his sick”

Sean who heard the conversation also spoke, “I heard that Fifth also called from the discipline office” The two looked at him at the same time as Night and Mars listened to the conversation.

“What did he say?”

“Something about Zero being unstable? I don’t know, I heard from my girl that he wanted Zero to take the test after they comeback. Must be business” He shrug but he was also bothered by it.

Ace clicked his tongue as he took another sip at his drink and looked at the social media, as he was scrolling down he would like any post that interest him as his boyfriend’s head rested on his, he didn’t mind it.

He saw Rosy’s post with Sole as he read the caption. His brows furrow when she mentioned the two of her brothers for a challenge when she herself knew what kind of relationship the two had, he shrugged it off and give it a like. He thought the girl would misunderstand.

As he took a sip on his cold drink he scrolled down the next post as his eyes widen at what he saw, in so much shock he turn his head to the side as he spat his drink, Win’s head hit his shoulder.

Right in time when Ace turn his head, Sean bend down to grab his fallen fork as he spat at Mars clothes who stop half-way of feeding himself when he felt something cold at his side.

Ace widen his eyes at him as Sean sat back up to see what commotion he did and almost felt sorry for Mars, Night who was observing the whole thing ever since Ace flinched laughed lightly at his seat.

Pretty much everyone is targeting Mars. The poor boy let out a deep sighed as he gave Ace a menacing glare, “I’m just gonna pretend it rained inside”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now