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A FEW MONTHS had passed by and it couldn't be any better. The things that couple had been worrying ever since Zero moved weren't even happening.

Instead there relationship gets better and better and the both could only want there relationship to stay that way. The two of them made time for each other and would do there love-making-fuck-stress-relieve if they want to or if there home alone. Pretty shameless.

At the moment, Fifth was answering his essay since Zero had been telling him to study if he wants to graduate the senior year and go off to collage. He had to remind himself he dated a nerd freak who would help him at any moment he needed.

After writing the essay he flip the answer sheet back to its place and stood up and walked in front and gave the answer sheet to the teacher as he walked back to his seat and arrange his stuff before leaving.

As he got out he saw Quian with Rosy smiling at him, seeing the both of them he made a disturbing look. Rosy pouted seeing his brother acting like that, "Oh please you know how shameless you can get when your with Zero you know?"

She cock one eyebrow as her brother rolled his eyes at her as she chuckled and hold her boyfriends hand, "Anyway did you prepare anything you need?"

Fifth furrow his brows in confusion, Quian looked at him like he just did something horrible, "Shit you don't know?"

The latter creased its brow at the confusion, "What should I know?" He asked as Rosy stared at him in disbelief, "Oh my god had you've been studying to much to the point you forgot Zero's birthday?"

Hearing that his body went numb-cold, no wonder Zero insisted him to study more even though they just finished a quiz, "That sly brat..."

Rosy shake her head in disappointment, "My, my if Zero knows this he'll be heartbroken for sure"

"How could I remember when he literally made me study the whole night, I was sure I was doing something for him last night then he just interrupted me to study my math" He informed making the couple sighed at the information.

Just then his phone vibrated as he took it out, it was a call from his step-mother, answering he spoke, "What is it?"

"Honey can you pick up Zero's cake on the bakery please? There's three of them" She requested as Fifth nodded, "Yeah sure, the usual bakery right?"

"Yes, yes, you can come here at Rome's house. Rosy and Quian are gonna take his friends and him for a while in entertainment. Get Zero a gift too alright?" He hummed as he gestured the couple to move as they silently walked away doing there task after hearing as they silently said there goodbye while Fifth started to walk at the parking lot.

Getting inside his car, he started the engine and started to drive at the bakery shop. In wasn't long until he was already there, when he went inside the bakery and was greeted by the owner.

"Fifth great timing, here are the cakes. Send my greeting to Zero" The owner smiled as Fifth thanked her and asked if it was already paid as the owner nod before he took the cakes.

He placed them carefully at the backseat as he went to the driver seat and drive. Fifth went around the city to look around for a gift and decided to be simple.

For knowing his boyfriend for almost two years he knows that he would rather have a book than a car, now that he think about it a book wouldn't be a good gift.

He thought about for a moment, if he wants Zero to carry it everyday and use it. Just thinking about it made his head hurt, "You sly brat..."

If it wasn't that night he could have thought something by now, he guess that Zero study him on purpose so that he wont have to remember his birthday.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now