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THE SCENT OF the fresh forest made his sleep deeper as he snuggled at the blanket even more. The scent just brings him warmth and comfort.

He felt comfortable as he felt the soft fabric touching at his exposed skin, opening his eyes his vision blurred for a minute but he adjust quickly and realized he was in someone's bed.

Still laying down he looked at where the study was and found no one he scanned the room and had no signs of Fifth.

He looked at the nightstand and saw his phone crawling to grab it he looked at the time and his eyes widen when it was already morning, he woke up before his alarm.

And to add that he was at someone else bed, his head fell down the pillow when he remembered that he fell asleep at the sofa.

Now that he think about it, he fell asleep at the sofa how come his on the bed? His mind started to imagine how Fifth carried him at his bed.

His cheeks blushed at the thought as he screamed at the pillow, right in time his alarm ranged as he turned it off without looking and putting it beside him.

What is happening to him and Fifth? He cant help but rolled his body at the forest scent bed that he found comforting.

Just in time the door open, Fifth slightly widen his eyes when he saw a Zero laying on his stomach, his blanket wrapped around his waist as the shirt in his back was lifted because of Zero's rolling earlier exposing his fair back as he was looking at him with a morning face as his hair was a mess.

His heart throbbed as he tried not to gulp the saliva stuck at his throat, much worst is his sleeping in his own bed.

Sighing he walked towards Zero who was still laying down, sitting beside him he asked, "You hungry?"

Zero didn't answer him, Fifth knew he was awake as the latter still pretended to be asleep. Seeing the stubbornness Fifth leaned down to peck his lips causing Zero to open his eyes.

Pulling away Fifth asked him again, "You hungry?"

"Yeah..." He answered, he was surprised that he answered, he also noticed that every time Fifth unexpectedly kissed him he would agree to anything.

He kissed him again, his gaze went to Fifth who was looking at him as well, "What?"

"Why are you kissing me?"

"One kiss one truth" He quickly answered as Zero lips twitch, that cant be true. "Your lying, aren't you disgust kissing your own step brother?"

Fifth smirked at him, "Were step-brothers by label not by blood that's not disgusting at all beside," He lean down closely to him as Zero could feel his own heartbeat, "You were the one who bought up the 'one kiss one truth' I wouldn't mind if you do that to me"

Zero was speechless, "T-That.."

"So tell me are you disgusted by it?" Fifth lean even closer until there noses touched as Zero breath shorten, "Tell me the truth Daniel"


Before he could answer he was again attacked by a kiss, this time his tongue licked his lips causing Zero's lips to quiver as Fifth slid his tongue at his brothers mouth.

'I haven't brush my teeth! I still have my morning breath! Fuccckkk!'

He panicked as he successfully pushed Fifth covering his mouth, Fifth wiped his lips and said, "You still have a morning breath, next time brush your teeth early I might steal some kiss from you"

With that he left the room reminding him there's breakfast downstairs as Zero once again burry his face at the poor pillow and scream his embarrassment out.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now