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AS ZERO PACKED his stuff Mars tried to let him stay because he was still thinking that it's still not the time to come home.

Packing the last shirt he said, “I’m fine, I need to go home. Staying here will cause more expenses than you usually have”

Mars pouted as he looked at Zero who zipped his bag, “But before going home, you still have a dinner date, right?”

Zero hummed, “Yeah, it’s a good thing I don’t have anything to do any work anymore”

Mars was having second thoughts but, “Are you sure? Like sure-sure?”

“I’m fine! Since when did you start caring for me huh? Or are you afraid no one will defend you from Earth and no one will help you with your assignments anymore?”

Mars huffed, “Ur…Fine, get going then I’ll just ready your coffin” Zero chuckled as Mars looked away patting the bed.

“I’m still worried that your brother will just pounce on you again” He rolled his eyes as he thought that Mars was being childish again.

For the past days Mars has been letting his attention off the problem and let him focus on being secure and safe.

It did succeed, but only for a couple of days so Mars eventually gave up and let him do his stuff. “For the last time, are you sure your gonna be fine?”

“Please tell me Ace asked you to look out for me” He asked as Mars pursed his lips, “Yes he did. With or without telling me I’m still going to ask you”

Zero shook his head and looked at the time in his watch, “I better go and say goodbye to your mom and sister”

“Urg… Skip my sister I’m sure she won’t mind” He groaned as he failed to stop Zero from going home, the both of them exited the room and went to the living room where Mars mother was watching a TV show.

Seeing the two of them she averted her eyes on Zero, “Your going now? It’s a bit late” She eyed on the clock wall.

“I called a cab,” Zero state as he walked towards her as he bent down to hug her, “Thank you for taking care of me”

“Its great, I see you as my fourth child” She smiled as she gave him a pat on the back before letting go, looking at her son she said, “Walk him outside until he gets inside the cab”

“I know, Earth isn’t here right?” His mother shake her head as Mars smiled at it and told Zero to hurry outside.

Zero once again thanked Mars mother before going out of the house, once they were outside the gate the both of them waited for a while.

“Your going to that kids dinner first right?” He asked again in which Zero hummed, “Isn’t that why I’m dressed?”

He turn his body towards him with his arms out, black t-shirt with faded jeans and white shoes. “Why didn’t you dress so fancily?”

“I don’t overdress, unlike you and Sean. The both of you dress like a superstar,” Mars felt smug, “I still wonder why I’m embarrassed and still choose to stay with the both of you”

Mars can hear a glass shattering inside his head, he punched Zero on the shoulder as he tsked, “And here I thought you’re a goody-good-shoe”

“I am, didn’t I help you with your assignments and reports though? Even if its not my faculty?”

“You know what, just shut your mouth and raise your hand the cab is here” He used his lips to point at the cab which was slowing down at the side road.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now