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"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Zero felt his ears go numb, Rebecca his mom's name just told him she's getting married in the next two weeks and there going to live on her soon-to-be-husband house.

Zero wasn't expecting his Mom would be getting married in the next two weeks and there going to move in a new house?

His ears went numb when she announced it to him. "Zero were moving today" She happily announced as Zero was still processing what she had said.

Then he looked at the bags that he just recently packed, yesterday there was a moving truck and was taking out his stuff. He didn't even asked his Mom about it.

After thinking about it he looked at his mother who's waiting for his response. "I-I.. I don't know what to say"

Zero was clearly speechless about the situation, his mother on the other hand was very happy. "It's ok! We will be having our lunch there!"

She happily said and Zero nod in response, she lean down and kiss his forehead before leaving his room with a smile in her face.

When she left Zero looked at the door for a minute before looking at his room, which was completely empty except for the bed and the bags.

"Were moving out?" He asked himself and the looked at the situation he was in. "Like right now?"

He got off the bed and walked outside the small corridor, as he was walking by he heard voices coming from the living room.

Zero can hear his Mom's voice, he step forward and saw his soon-to-be-Dad. Mark Storm.

Mark and his Mom had been dating for over a year now, Marks wife died long ago he had two children's with him, Zero didn't meet them but his Mom did.

Zero didn't mind to let his Mom find happiness, as long as she's happy then he can be happy. It was her happiness that kept him going.

Mark noticed his presence and smiled at him, the two of them looked at him. "Hey buddy, you should get your stuff were moving out"

Mark said to him, Zero just nod and turn around to get his stuff on his room. Grabbing his stuff he looked at the picture frame that was sitting silently on his study table.

He reached out for it and looked at it. Zero smiled at it, it was his family, his old family.

Zero couldn't help but miss his Dad, it had been ten years since he last saw him, he was wondering how he is right now.

"Zero honey! Hurry up were leaving!" His Mom voice snapped him out as he looked at the door then shouted, "A minute!"

He looked at the picture then open one of his bags, he stuff the picture at his bag and close it then gather his bags and walked out of his room.

"IS THIS A HOUSE OR A MANSION?" Zero mumbled when they arrived at Marks house.

The place was a bit big so he couldn't help but mumbled for it. He grabbed all of his bags and carry it by himself, Mark offered him some help but he politely rejected it.

Zero closed the gate as soon as the three of them entered, he noticed how many flowers were planted, from smallest to largest. They were walking at the concrete path and the flowers were almost surround them.

His Mom noticed his curiosity and spoke, "Rosy loves flowers, there's also more in the back" She said and Zero nodded.

'I thought it was a mansion, the space just gave me that mansion vibe' He said to himself. The house was simple and modern, the panting of the walls were white and black, it was a two story house.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now