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IT FELT REALLY comfortable to have someone staying with and knowing that they will stay with you. Zero felt lightheaded after the breakdown, the memories last night were blur and fast.

All he knows is that he told Fifth everything he had been holding and confessed that he likes every affection he gave to him.

Knowing that Fifth told him he’ll stay and that he’ll be ok, that’s all he needs to hear after bearing his unstable emotion and mentality.

Right now he was sleeping next to Fifth, the older had been starring at him from some time now, he still was numb-shock at what the younger had reveal.

Now that he knows what Sole is to him, that wouldn’t have any problems, but knowing what had been troubling him he predict his mother would be against it.

Looking at Zero now, he knows that he was just a fragile boy without a affection of a person, he had seen it when he first meet him.

He reached his hand out to gently stroke the hairs that was covering Zero’s eyes. For sure he’ll stay with him. The faint movements made the younger shift.

Zero opened his eyes as he adjust his eyesight and saw Fifth starring at him, a small smile crept his face making his heart shiver.

He had never seen him this close, especially in his bed, he also noticed that Fifth had been stroking his hair, in which he didn’t mind it at all.

“You alright?” Fifth asked him as he retrieved his hand and lay comfortably with him, Zero hummed at him, “Better”

The two of them stayed silent, it wasn’t tense or awkward, it was comfortable and warm. Just by looking at his caramel eyes made Zero burry his face to his people as he groaned.

Fifth chuckled as he noticed his red ears, he reached out to touch it as Zero avert his attention to him making Fifth place his hand on his cheek.

“Its so weird to be treated like this…” Zero uttered as he felt Fifth’s thumb rubbing his skin as he found it comforting.

“You’ll get use to it” Fifth stated as Zero snickered, “Its also weird to see you so nice and soft”

He let out a small yelp when Fifth pinched his skin, Zero immediately slap it away as Fifth chuckled at him, “You want us to go back to the beginning then?”

Zero shook his head with a small laugh, as Fifth stared at him for a while before asking, “When did you know?”

Zero know what he was asking, he let out a sigh and get himself comfortable, there’s no use in lying when he just told him last night.

“A few days before coming home, it was traumatic hearing what mom’s lawyer explain to me…” He answered as he looked at Fifth.

“Tell me, what my mom did…Do you think that was reasonable enough?” Fifth shake his head, of course he found it stupid but he understand what his mother was probably thinking that day.

“She must be afraid” He honestly answered as Zero agreed with him, “I try to understand her but I found it really stupid”

“Is that why your avoiding her?” Zero nod at him, “What should I do?”

Fifth adjust himself as he sat up his bed and lean his back at the wall, as Zero did the same. “Tell her the truth, she’s really emotional right now”

Zero creased his brows, “I don’t feel like talking to her right now…”

Fifth chuckled at his reason as he put his arms around his shoulder and made Zero lean to him, “You know she’ll know the truth right? Do you want her to act like me when I found out your secret?”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now