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SOMETHING IS NOT right. Even Rosy can see it, there step-brother had been acting…off.

They knew because he would always go to his room and locked himself up, he would only come down if its was dinner or lunch.

He would also swim at the pool in the middle of the night and would go to the university in early hours.

Zero would also avoid his mother’s affection and say, ‘I’m too old for this…’ with a frown in his face as he avoided her. He wouldn’t even try to hide that he hates it.

Even Rosy herself started to blame her own when Zero started to act like that when he came home late that night.

And it been a days that his avoiding everyone in house, purposely.

What weird thing for sure is that he would eventually hug Rosy out of blue then stay for a minute or two before letting her go without a word.

And what he also observe is he was completely fine in the university, he was smiling and laughing like a new person, especially when he meet with Sole.

That kid…It really has something to do with him’ He thought in his mind as he stared at the board in front of him as the teacher started to pinpoint the importance of history.

At first he tried to shrug the attitude of the younger but seeing him in the house compared to what his seeing at school. Zero was off.

Looking beside him it was Quian, he quietly nudges him by his elbow as his friend look at him. Although he still hates him, but he tried to understand him too for his sister.

“Did you and Zero talked?” He quietly asked as Quian glanced at the teacher before answering back, "Sometimes”

“Did you talk to him these past days?” Quian shook his head as Fifth puffed out a breath as he nod and Quian went back to listen as he rested his head on the table not wanting to listen.

He needs to confront the younger because his mother was slowly starting to get upset as his attitude.

Fifth slept through the lesson and was only awaken by the sound of the bell, opening his eyes he looked at his friends who were stuffing there stuff on there bags.

“Do you have classes today?” Megan asked them as Fifth shook his head except for Gabriel and William.

“I have a test”

“Yeah me too, plus there’s a new girl in class that just added in our room. Don’t want to miss it” William smiled as Megan rolled her eyes and looked them.

“Lets have some snacks I’m starving” She invited as the others agreed leaving Gabriel and William to groan, missing the free food.

The two of them proceeded to there class as the others went to the canteen to have there snacks. The area wasn’t full but they still preferred to eat outside since it was fresh.

As they all chatted Fifth remained silent as he ate his potato chips and listen to there nonsense talk.

But then his eyes caught a familiar figure walking on the pathway, he silently watched him as he walked but then stopped when he was blocked by three girls holding a beverage and a glass.

Zero gave them a smile as he shake his head in disapproval as the girls whine, in Fifth observation he was acting normally like he usually is.

“Hey look its my crush!” Jen remarked as she saw Zero standing not far away from them as he drink the beverage that the three girls handed him.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now