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“IT'S YOUR BROTHER” Megan pointed at the direction were Zero was along with Quian, talking and laughing about something.

“Step-brother” He corrected as he looked at them from afar, “So this is the business he was talking about? Being with Zero”

“Seems like it, come to think of it they were together earlier” Jen said as she took out her phone to take a picture of them.

“I didn’t know Quian swing that way” She added as Fifth looked at her with disgust, “Quian’s not like that”

“Maybe he took a U-turn that’s why” Rain joked as the others laughed with him, the laugh seems to reach at Zero and Quian, they turn there around and saw them.

Zero immediately took his stuff and stood up as he bid his goodbyes as another person appeared beside him, “Rosy is there too”

Fifth furrow his brows when he saw his sister waving goodbye to Quian as she walked out with Zero.

Quian could only looked at them with a smile on his face before turning around and waved his hands towards his friends direction.

They all walked towards and sat at the table. “We saw you with Zero and Rosy” William said as he put his bag at the table and the others looked at Quian.

“What’s your business with my sister and that brat?” Fifth asked him as he gave Quian a glare, Quian doesn’t seem to be bothered with the glare and nonchalant said.

“His my tutor that’s all” Quian said as Fifth scanned his face to see if his joking or not but there wasn’t any trace of joking at all.

“Wait are you serious?” Jen excitedly said hearing what Quian just said, “Can you get me his number then? Or take pictures of him?”

“I don’t know it depends on him and him” Quian pointed at Fifth who has an unbearable expression. “Absolutely not, I don’t want your phone to get virus by his face”

Fifth said as Jen stick her tongue out and rolled her eyes at him, “Your brother is handsome, he doesn’t mind having a relationship with a senior right?”

“That’s child abuse, that brat is your junior have mercy” Fifth spat as Jen glared at him, he turn his attention to Quian.

“What really is your business with that brat?” He asked him one more time and was answered by the same answer.

“Fifth don’t get too mad at it, his just my tutor. You might hate each other but set that aside please, my English is clearly running low” Quian tried to assured him.

“Yeah you suck at that” Drew said as Quian glare at him before turning his attention to Fifth, saying calm words so that it can assure him.

Meanwhile Zero and Rosy were not far away and heard the conversation, they were hiding in a bush near the table.

As they heard the conversation Rosy sweat, “This is not good” She lowly said as Zero hush her and motion his hand that they need too get out of there.

Nodding her head they quietly escape and let out a breath, “Should we change the plan?”

“No, let it be. We know Fifth wont interfere with our business for a while,” He assured as Rosy not and took out her handkerchief and wipe the sweat on her forehead and neck.

“Yeah, but if he cant stand it anymore you know he’ll mend in for sure” Rosy said as Zero thought about it, “I know but in a while he’ll consider it”

“Just a while”

As they were standing there discussing it Mars saw them with as he was carrying four paints bucket, the veins in his hand was going to pop any minute.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now