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“YOU ALRIGHT?” SOLE tilted his head to the side in confusion seeing his brother spacing out and teaching him a wrong lesson for the fourth time.

Zero looked at him for a minute before he groaned, “I’m bothered…” He mumbled as he tapped his pen at the table, Sole could tell that he was irritated just by how he tap the pen.

“About what?” He asked as Zero looked at him again as his younger brother tried to read his expression, “What do I smell like?”

The younger blinked his eyes for several times, “Ha?” He was totally confused why his brother would be bothered by his own scent. He creased his brows slightly, “Is that what has been bothering you lately?”

“Do I smell bad or good? Give me a honest answer” He was even serious as Sole lean in to smell him by his clothes before sitting back, “Like roses? With a mix of berries and mint”

Sole doesn’t know why but his brother’s face was somehow offended, Zero sniffed his own scent before sighing, “You know smelling like roses or berries isn’t bad right?”

“I know that, I just realized that I’m a living walking blueberry” He grumbled, somehow the attitude he was showing wasn’t like Zero.

“Your acting so carefree today, did something happen for the past few days?” Sole asked pushing his notes to the side to listen.

Zero pursed his lips as he tapped his fingers on the table to ease him a little, “Just thinking about how to talk to mom”

Hearing that Sole smiled, “Really?

The older nod, he pursed his lips for a second before continuing, “Also tell her that I meet dad and you” The smile on Sole’s face stiffen.

Just as Zero expected, he looked at his younger brother, “Is there something wrong with it?” He asked as Sole looked at him his smile disappearing.

He didn’t say a word for a minute, “You know I should tell her that right? I can’t make another excuse”

Sole poke his cheek from the inside of his mouth before saying, “I think its better if you tell her slowly” He responded as Zero listened to his opinion, “But I’m sure you two will fight about it, I don’t want you to be hurt again”

“I know, its fine. I’m ok right now, but it’s the only option I had for what I had acted for the last days”

Sole sighed, “I know, I know but…” His hand touched his forehead as he tried to ease his mind, “You just slightly recovered from the emotional pain, I’m also afraid”

Zero looked at his brother as he gave him a small smile, he patted him on the head as the latter looked at him, “I’ll be fine”

“Your not” Zero ignored him and gently caressed his hair as he patted it one last time before retrieving his hand.

“I also planned on living with you anyway,” Sole widen his eyes, “Even if the outcome is good, I’ll stay with you and dad”

“B-But how about mom?” He questioned, he felt bad for his mother, “She had Mark with her, beside I didn’t agree to them to adopt me legally, my surname is still Daniel”

“You do know your just gonna hurt her more right?” Sole tried to coaxed him as Zero silently chuckled, “I’ll make a visit”

Sole sighed, “That doesn’t change the fact that you’re unintentionally hurting her”

“She’ll understand” Zero grabbed his bag and started to pack his things and organized them in his bag so it won’t be messy, closing it he looked at his brother who was feeling the guilt instead of him.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now