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TODAY IS THE day… “Fuck why today? I’m a lazy bitch let me rest” Zero grumbled as he sink his face more into the pillow, “And its only 8:14 am, let me rest” He added as his sister let go of his hand.

Rosy was feeling too excited that she woke up exactly 5 o’ clock and got ready, she even took 30 minutes in the bathroom to wash herself.

“I’m just too excited!” She happily said, it was also the first the first time Quian coming over without Fifth's invite.

“Do you want us to get caught? The tutoring is in the afternoon” Zero said with his crocky voice, he slowly sat up in his bed and wipe the saliva on the corner of his mouth.

“Fifth isn’t even here” Rosy informed as Zero couldn’t careless about it, “Still. Just go down and don’t get too excited” He instructed as Rosy just nod not wanting to annoy him with her happiness.

“Alright, bye my dear brother, continue your gorgeous rest” She dramatically said before closing the door, Zero could only shook his head at the girl.

Ruffling his bed hair and stretching his arms he got out the bed and fix it before grabbing a towel and prepare his clothes then took a bath.

As he was washing himself he was slightly relief that Fifth wasn’t in the house but he know that he’ll be home later.

After taking a shower he changed his clothes, black plain t-shirt and red sweatpants, he hang the small towel in his shoulder as he went out his room to get downstairs.

Ruffling his wet hair using the towel he saw his mom cleaning something, “Morning mom” He greeted.

“Good morning dear, don’t come near here, Mark drop a glass you might bleed your foot, wear some slippers for a while” She said as Zero nodded at her.

He was always barefoot when he went inside the house since the floor was clean and he didn’t want to dirty it with his footwear.

Walking to the front door to grab his indoor slippers he saw Rosy talking to her phone. She was smiling so wide that it reached her ears.

Zero could only smile at her, he wonder what feeling would it be to smile like that just to hear your beloved voice or face.

He saw that smile every time Ace would see Win, he saw it when his mother look at Mark, even his philandering friend, Sean, would smile if he saw his current girlfriend.

Zero could only think about it, he didn’t realize he was looking at Rosy too much to the point his sister noticed it and ended the call right away to check on him.

As she was in front of him he was just starring at her, “You ok?” She asked as she reached her hand out to his shoulder and shook him a little.

“What?” Zero snapped out from his thoughts and saw Rosy right in front of him, “Oh did you and Quian talked out?”

She nod, “What are you staring at?” She asked, “Just a curious thinking, get inside. Its burning hot here” He said as he let Rosy come in first before grabbing his indoor slippers before going inside and closed the door.

AS IF time was just a wind it was already afternoon, Rosy was excited as she bolted out of the door and waited for her boyfriend to arrived.

Meanwhile Zero got some English related book just incase Fifth went home and suspects them, he also prepared some of his textbook and grab some paper and pen and voila!

Tutoring scenery is done, Zero felt like he was in movie, he made sure the set up of the room wasn’t suspicious or else there plan might fail.

If his so good of setting up a scene he should just become a director! Zero chuckled at himself and exited the room.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now