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ZERO DIDN’T CAME to dinner that night, he was over to Sole house getting himself comfortable with his dad.

He noticed how uncomfortable and sad he was every time they meet, although he would try to muster up the courage to talk, he would stop and just smile at the interaction.

“Does mom know your staying today?” Sole asked as he gave Zero a spoonful of salad in which the older accept.

They were currently having dinner along with the two maids which Zero learned there names, Teresa and May.

“No. I only told her that Sean invited me to eat with him since his lonely” He answered in which the man in the head table looked up and saw his expression.

He couldn’t help but ask, “Zero why would you do that?” The latter put his utensils down and look at him, “If I told her I’m coming over here would she let me?”

“But its not right to treat your mother like that, she had been raising you” He lightly scolded as Zero pursed and answered back.

“She could have treated you better” The room was silent as Rome looked at his son’s firm and bitter expression.

“Zero, your mind is clouded with hatred. You shouldn’t be mad at your mother, you should be mad at me for not looking for you” He reasoned as Zero chuckled.

“You have Sole to look out for me. I have my own mindset to hate my mom” He stated a little louder as Rome let out a sigh.

Although his words are true but its still wasn’t right to hate the woman who raised him, “You know what your thinking isn’t right. You know that by now, son I need you to think this, your hurting your mom”

Zero clicked his tongue, his temper started to shorten ever since he knew the truth about his parents and the emotions that he had been building up.

“And how about me? Do you think it didn’t hurt me?” He asked his breath shortening as Sole put his hand on his shoulder and rubbed it in a comforting manner.

There father looked at the both of them, he would lie that seeing his son together makes them happy but it hurts to see one of his son hating his own parent because of there reason.

From the beginning he knew that the one who’ll be hurt the most is Zero, even though he acts calm and open-minded  he knew that all of them will slowly fade because of the truth.

“Zero, you should calm down. Your head is clouded, calm down” Sole gently patted his back as Teresa handed out a glass of water for him.

Zero sighed as he closed his eyes apologizing for his actions, “Don’t you get it? I’m also hurting because of it, how can you be so calm about that? If I wanna hate mom then I’ll hate her. I know I’m being selfish right now but its also hard for me to avoid her and to come up to you and make new memories”

His eyes were getting red as he prevent himself from crying, “I only wanted a family, mom though she gave it to me but that wasn’t the family I want”

“I know son but…That was it. It was also painful for me to see you not having this ‘family’ that you want, but…” He couldn’t continue to say anything cause it will hurt the latter even more.

He had fought for his love, he had did everything to bring his son back, he too was full of hatred for his wife but seeing how his son become he just let him be, he knew that deep down, Zero would still ask where he is and that was enough for him.

Sole grew up without a mother and a brother, he wasn’t that patient when he found out about Zero. He was happy to know that he had a older brother.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now