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ZERO WIDEN HIS eyes when he felt a hand sneaking down under his legs and in a swift movement he was being carried inside as his hand automatically went to wrap themselves around his neck.

“W-Wait what now?” Zero asked as he felt his body go high at what there gonna do. Fifth kicked the bedroom door open and gently placed Zero on the bed.

The latter looked at him, his heart beating so fast that it could break any minute, his face was so red that he could feel a steam coming out of it as his body was also hot.

Fifth gave him a seductive smug before getting up and went to the opened curtain and closed it.

He also turned off the lamp on the side before crawling on the bed, Zero could still see his face because of the dim lights that was being covered by the curtains.

Zero audibly gulped when Fifth trapped him in his arms as he hovered above him, “A-Are we seriously doing it?!”

“What? Why are you thinking so dirty? I’m just gonna cuddle you that’s all” Zero face palm in embarrassment as he covered his flustered face for thinking such lewd and disturbing thoughts.

I mean who wouldn’t? The sultry and the things he was doing before crawling on the bed made him think they were actually gonna do it. “Fuck you Fifth Storm. Fuck you”

Fifth chuckled above him as Zero let out a groan of embarrassment, still covering his flustered face, “How dirty minded, and here I thought nerd students aren’t that dirty”

“Shut up” He muffled as Fifth chuckled once more before brushing both of the latter’s hand so that he could see his face.

Zero looked away as his red tomato face burn in embarrassment, “Well that’s cute and all but your still unstable”

The latter pursed his lips as he looked at Fifth above him, “Then what’s with the sexual movements? You seriously just gave me a blue ball”

Hearing that Fifth burst into a fit of laughter as his head buried beside Zero’s head as the latter couldn’t help but be embarrassed even more and use his one hand to cover his face.

The laugh beside him died down as he could feel the hot breath fanning his flustered ears, “But I also heard, having sex restarts your brain and can  make you think clearly”

Fifth whispered to him making Zero groan at the seduction, “Wanna try it if it’s true?”

He lifted his face as Zero looked at him as he covered his have of his face using his one hand, Fifth nuzzled there nose as Zero closed his eyes as he prevent himself to breath heavily.

“Wanna try it? I’m sure it’ll work and restart that brain of yours” Fifth blew out a gentle breath, Zero could smell the mints as he slowly removed his hand and open his eyes to meet Fifth’s caramel ones.

“Is that even true though? When did you even heard that kind of stuff?” Zero suppress a groan when one of Fifth’s hands started to run down his body going inside his shirt.

“Just heard it from a little birdy” He kissed his nose, “Wanna try?”

Zero chuckled as his body tingles at the touch when Fifth hand went higher to touch his one of his nipples, he cussed.

“You fucker…” Fifth chuckled and kissed his lips as Zero kissed back tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss as one of his hand slowly went up to hook around Fifth neck as his other cupped his cheek.

Feeling his tongue on his lips he immediately broke away, “Are you sure…this will work?” He asked as he let out a few breaths, “If you want, if your uncomfortable we’ll just stop”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now