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Fifth came home drunk, barging at Zero's room.

He didn’t mind taking care of Fifth because his mother would worry at his ‘brother’ drunk state.

Zero knew that he would come home drunk after the party he attended, he helped him but Fifth thought otherwise and push Zero on the bed and started to mark him.

“Bastar--- Stop! Hey!” He shoved Fifth to the side and took the opportunity to get off the bed, Fifth groaned loudly and looked at him with his drunk and angry eyes.

“C-Come” He demand in his slur voice, Zero didn’t move and scold him. “Fifth stop what you are doing right now and let me out, taking care of you is a big mistake”

Something triggered Fifth when Zero said that, he slowly got up his bed seeing this Zero stumble his steps and ran out the door taking his chances.

Even Fifth was drunk he was still fast to catch him and trapped him to the door pressing his hot body to his, Zero can smell the alcohol in him.

“You..n-never say…mistake..” Zero doesn’t understand him as his hand slowly finds the doorknob.

“Get off now, your drunk” He said as he push the doorknob down making the door open, Fifth also lean in with his weight making the door close as he attacked Zero neck.

“Fi—” Fifth cover his mouth with his hand as he continued to leave love marks down to his collarbone, Zero couldn’t even move because he was trapped, being hugged in his waist and trapping his legs.

He could only muffle in his hand as he hit Fifth several times but because of the drunken state Fifth is he couldn’t feel it.

Fifth stopped leaving a kiss on his shoulder before looking at Zero with anger, drunkenness and possessiveness.

He leaned down next to his ears and whispered, “Never say I’m a mistake…I will never be a mistake” His hot breath and sultry voice made Zero shiver and muffle more in his hands.

“Who marked you?” Ace asked after inspecting the mark in his neck, Zero could only rubbed his neck and answer him.

Ace was surely weirded out by it, he never saw Zero with anyone. Seeing the expression in his face he sigh, “Its alright I’ll run to you if I cant handle it”

He couldn’t handle it actually its been in his mind for the past month, thanks to his study and a lot of activities going on he could often think about it.

It was completely erased a year later.

Then why did he remember it, again?

“One kiss, one truth” Fifth smirked at him as Zero stared at him his face was shock and horrified at the same time.

Fifth lean in more as Zero just stood there, trapped. “This was your kind of offer brat, tell me the truth now” He assert as Zero put his hand on his chest and push the predator away.

Fifth stumble back for a few feet as his gaze focused on the flustered, shocked and horrified face of Zero.

Zero just stared at him, his lips would open then he would close it back, as if all the words he wanted to yell or shout got stuck in his throat.

It was traumatizing to him.

Zero started to walk sideways as his hand supported his stumbling legs, Fifth could only scoff at him and walked towards him and tried to turn him and face him when Rosy ran in for rescue.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now