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TUESDAY CAME and Zero set an alarm on his phone to fetch the orders that his mom had made him to get.

For the past days it had been very flustering and stealing kisses, Zero would scream at his brothers face as Fifth would complain at him as well.

There relationship became both awkward and aggressive but in a close and good way, in the past they would never talk at each other but now, one of them would constantly touch each other with lame excuses.

Fifth was also bothering Zero like before but without violence and Zero would get back at him and curse him, though they both hit each other but it wasn’t severe like before.

Right now the both of them are sitting across each other in the library at the second floor behind the shelves were no one can see them.

“You should divine this one and the first number” Zero instructed as he pointed the numbers in the paper, good thing was Fifth was listening to him.

“I already done that, this is a different thing” He snaps as he bit the end of his pen at the frustration, studying wasn’t his first priority.

“Suit yourself” Zero shrugged as he started to write his report for his lesson, he would mumble the words while he write which made Fifth glance up to him.

He stopped solving as he observe him for a while, Zero was wearing his round glasses as he mumble the words that he read and wrote them in his report.

His slender hands brushed softly at the pages as he would tilt his head to the side and scrunched his nose if he find something wrong.

Fifth wasn’t a study person but seeing how determine Zero was he reminded himself to distract or make him stop to make assignments or report so that he can relax.

Although he hates how Zero would rather help others first or would study too hard he was also honest. He wasn’t aware at how he was acting towards him.

Even though they curse and violate each other in the past, Zero always consider him, like how he consider everyone else, he has a soft spot for everyone either good or bad.

The older was also aware at how flustered he is especially when they get too close, like really close.

Fifth lean to him as Zero noticed this and avoid him, seeing the avoidance he sneaks his hand behind his shoulder and tap it twice as Zero looked at the other direction as Fifth lean closer.

Just in time when Zero looked at him again to ask him what was tapping him but he only met his lips, the hair in his body raised as there lips crashed.

Giving him a peck Fifth quickly back away and yawn as he stretches his hands in the air like it was nothing, Zero was stilled as he looked at Fifth in disbelief.

“Bastard you cant just kiss me like that!” He complained as Fifth looked at him with his cold stare, “We did a lot worst at the infirmary”

He smirked as the color at Zero face drained, shaking his head he gave him the middle finger.

“Cute” Fifth grinned making Zero more and more uncomfortable in his seat, he cant believe at Fifths attitude, its like his bipolar!

“Are you a bipolar or what?!” He barked and immediately shut his mouth cause they were in the library, “You bitch your making a ruckus” Fifth tsked as he looked around to see if someone sees them before looking at the pissed Zero.

“Stop talking to me, the more you talk the more I think your not even the bastard stepbrother I know”

Fifth raised a brow, “I’m still your bastard bully stepbrother, brother”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now