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“DO YOU WANNA hang out with us?” Mars walk up to him and asked, his bag swinging on his side as he lean down on his desk table.

“Your class finished?” Mars nodded his head as Zero put the last of his things his bag.

“Sure, where to?” He zipped his bag and swing it behind his back, “Somewhere we can eat of course” Mars said as Zero chuckled then the both of them walked out of his class.

“Is Ace coming?” Zero asked as Mars looked at him and thought about it for a second then he nod, “Win told him to go with us”

Zero furrow his brows, “Is he depending his choices to Winner?”

“No, Win just want Ace to have a good time with us, he said to me to keep him busy so he wont thought of that stupid riddle” Mars said as Zero remembered about the riddle.

“The answer is ‘Us’” Zero said as Mars looked at him, “U plus I is ‘us’,” Zero explained then he stroke his chin with his finger, “How can Ace not answer that? He even whine about that in front of me”

Mars also thought about it, then out of nowhere Sean came out with Ace. Waving his hands in the air, Sean shouted from the distance, “Zero! Mars! Over here!”

Both Mars and Zero turn around and saw Sean waving at them, “We can hear you ugly!” Mars shouted.

Sean on the distance glared at him as they walked towards them, Ace on the other hand was still bothered.

“Anyway where are we going?” Zero asked as Sean had a big smile on his face, “Lets go to eat some pork! I’m starving!”

“We can add it with beer” Mars smiled as Zero smiled at the idea and started walking but someone called him from behind.

The four of them turn around and saw Rosy running towards them, she stopped in front of them and greeted before looking at Zero.

“Lets go” She said and firmly hold his arm, Zero was confuse and gave her a look, “What?”

“Were going to make a plan remember?” She said saying it in a obvious tone.

Zero looked at her for a second then a light bulb appeared, “Ah..Wait right now?”

Rosy nodded her head and tugged his arm, Zero looked at his friends and gave them an apologetic look, “I’ll pass this time”

“Ready your money then!” Sean waved as the three of them started to walk without Zero after saying there goodbye.

Zero adjust his bag and look at Rosy, “I haven’t plan anything yet”

“I know I’m just excited and happy that you’ll be helping us” She happily said as Zero smiled and patted her head, “You know this is gonna risk me right?”

“I know…” Rosy lowly said as Zero stroke her hair in a gentle manner, with a encouraging voice he said, “But if it makes you happy I’m willing to risk it”

“I’ll protect you” She promised as Zero lightly laughed, “Alright you will. Lets go?”


The both of them walked out of the university side by side and rode Zero cars and went home.

Zero parked his car outside as usual and went inside the house, when they entered Fifth was at the living room with five of his friends.

“Hey Rosy! Hey Zero!” Megan happily greeted them as Rosy greeted her and Zero just nod, he was about to bend down and take his shoe off when Rosy pulled him by the arm.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now