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TUESDAY CAME BY and Zero was sitting on the library table at the second floor writing his essays and assignments.

He was relief yesterday that Fifth didn’t remember about tutoring, he did familiarize the textbooks and was still the same that was taught by his teachers and professors but with tips in every meaning.

Beside he was also grateful that Fifth didn’t bother him again, breathing out a relief he wrote his answers in his assignment so that he can catch up with the three idiots.

Ace, Sean and Mars even scolded him for not being with them cause he was distancing himself, he even excuse himself because of his faculty.

Zero shake his head at the thought as he finish the last answer in his assignment. He started answering another question.

He was busy writing his answer that he didn’t even notice someone was approaching him.

Sole looked at the very busy Zero as a smile creeped up to his face seeing him, he was suppose to get a book for his chemistry, seeing the older he came just in time to get  the help.

When he approached him he lightly coughed getting Zero attention, Zero stopped answering as he looked up and was surprise to see the younger.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Zero greeted him as Sole smile at him, “Just getting a  chemistry book” He answered without shuttering now that he knows the older.

“Ah. You can get that at the fourth row behind me” Zero pointed at the bookshelf as Sole nod at it, looking at Zero he politely asked, “Can I sit here? If its ok with you”


Sole smiled as he put his bag across the table, “I’ll get the book first, excuse me”

Zero nod as he continue to answer his assignment, Sole got his book and return to the table with a book in his hand, putting it in his bag as he sat down.

“So how’s your second day in here?” Zero asked as his eyes still focus on writing, he didn’t want the kid to sit awkwardly and wait for him to finish.

“Its good, the teaching is more good than my university” He comment as Zero lightly smiled still focus on writing, “I’m sure you wont say that in the future, Lalex is pretty hard and busy university, full of work,”

He faced Sole, “Especially at Law and Architecture” He added as Sole looked at the papers and assignment on the table, “You wont mind that right?”

Sole shook his head, “I don’t mind, its for our own good right?”

Zero lightly laughed, “Good point”

The two of them continued talking as another person walked up and saw the scene, Fifth lips twitched seeing the interaction.

He had seen Zero dealing with a lot of students almost everyday it somewhat irritates him, he walked up to them as Sole sense his presence.

Sole shut his mouth seeing the cold person again, “I thought dad schedule you to teach me” He announce as Zero looked up and frown seeing Fifth.

“He did and that's after class” He answered as he noticed Sole looking at the other direction to avoid the tension. “And go away”

He added as he continue to write his assignment.

Fifth tsked as he looked at the kid who was avoiding there fight. “What’s your business here kid?”

Sole looked up to him then avoided his gaze and just looked at Zero who was still focus on writing his answers.

“Just wanna t-talk to my senior” He answered as Fifth shooed him away, “You can go, his teaching me today”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now