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I FEEL TOO hot…’ Zero thought in his mind as Fifth still stared at him with the bloody thorn in his teeth.

“You should spit that out..” He told him but his voice was low cause he was still shook at what he did.

Fifth did actually spit the thorn out at the sink as he washed his mouth using his other hand while the other was still carefully holding his wrist.

Zero looked at his wound and it was a bit red maybe because of the sucking or his body was at a hot temperature.

After washing his mouth Fifth wiped the water off using his shirt as he looked at the injury, the bleeding stopped but it still pisses him off.

“Lets go to the bathroom, there’s a first aid kit in there” He softly tugged his wrist as Zero obediently followed him.

He can feel his heart being stroked softly as his body temperature increases, he looked like a bright red tomato.

Opening the bathroom door the two of them went inside keeping the door open, Zero was outside the bathroom as Fifth open the cabinet for the first aid kit.

Getting the ointment and bandage, he put it on the sink, “Come here”

Zero went inside the bathroom as Fifth let go of his wrist and made him sit on the sink, as he was seated Fifth started to treat his injury.

The injury wasn’t serious it was more like an accident cut but the way Fifth treated him with cautious made Zero’s lips tugged into a smile.

He thought maybe he was guilty at what he did or maybe he slowly started to care for him. Zero didn’t know which one but he was in relief when his ‘brother’ cares for him.

“Stop smiling you brat” Fifth wiped his injury with a wet towel as he put it aside and started to treat it with an ointment.

Saying that he averted his gaze to the shower as he avoided the contact.

Fifth would constantly glance at him, he too couldn’t help but smile in his mind at how curious his face was.

This was the first time they interact without an argument or a fight.

Zero cant help but blurt it out, “This is kinda nice”

Still focused on treating the injury Fifth replied to him, “That I’m treating you like a fragile princess?”

Zero chuckled at him as he hissed when Fifth applied another ointment in which Fifth stopped applying and looked at him.

“Its stings” Zero commented as Fifth looked at the ointment as he put it aside grabbing the bandage. He held his wrist carefully as he started to wrapped the bandage slowly.

While he was wrapping it Zero asked him, “Do you care?”

“About what?”

“Never mind, just keep wrapping it” Zero was slightly embarrassed when he asked him, what could he expect it was still Fifth Storm.

As Fifth wrapped the bandage he made sure it wasn’t too tight or too loose, he tied it securely as Zero took his hand out from his grip.

“Thanks” Zero thanked his as he looked at the bandage wrist, rubbing it carefully because of the slight itch.

Fifth put the bandage and ointments back to the first aid as he looked at Zero who was still rubbing his wrist.

“Stop rubbing it” He instructed him as Zero didn’t stop rubbing it, “Not used to it”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now