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ROSY HAD BEEN planning how to talk to her brother, every time she would come up to him, she would quickly back away because she was still afraid.

She had been trying her best to talk and have the courage, Rosy wasn’t used at Fifth being mad at her. Ever since she was little her brother has always been with her.

But now… She made a huge mistake, if this was her first mistake that she ever made then she admits she was a coward to fix it.

Rebecca had been encouraging her to talk to him because Zero won’t come home unless she won’t talk or reconcile with his brother.

She had bump up with him a couple of times and couldn’t grab each opportunity to talk to him.

As she was walking at the pathway of the university, she pursed her lips trying to think of a way to talk to him.

She was alone. Quian isn’t with her this time because he was still resting after the beat up and also because Zero told him not to come unless she can talk to Fifth.

Rosy stopped her tracks when someone put a hand on her shoulder, she slowly turns around to see Sole looking at her with a worried expression.

“Are you alright?” He asked as Rosy shook her head and looked away, embarrassed.

Sole noticed the discomforts and took a deep breath and rub his hand on her shoulder in a gentle manner, “Did you reconcile with your brother yet?”

“No… I still don’t have the guts to talk to him…” She admits as Sole gave her a small smile, he didn’t know how to comfort a girl so all he can do is rubbed her shoulder.

“Do you need someone to talk? Or help you?” Sole asked as Rosy looked at him, her eyes glistering. “I don’t want to cause any more trouble…”

“It’s alright, I was the one who offer the help” Sole let go of her as Rosy rubbed her frame as she nods, “I just need a talk, Zero isn’t here so I can’t talk to him”

Sole tilt his head in a confuse manner, “Why would you need Zero?”

“It’s because I need to talk to him first to let my nerves out, before talking to my brother. His comfort always works” Rosy blurted as Sole bit his lower lip.

Holding the book in his right hand he said, “I know it’s not my place but… Sometimes we gotta do things in our own without peoples help”

Rosy looked at him her brows crease, Sole immediately waved his hand in front of her thinking she thought the wrong idea, “Don’t get me wrong! I’m trying to help you too. You know the mess you made is getting worse and you also need Zero’s help and all but there’s also a time when you gotta fix it on your own rather than relying on someone”

Now the expression on Rosy face wrinkled, Sole internally panic thinking he wasn’t a help at all. He let out a nervous laugh before saying, “I gotta go before I offend you any further, I’m sorry. I was just trying to help you”

And with that Sole speedily walked away passing by her as she thought at what he said.

She was being selfish…Too selfish. And she hated it, people had been pushing her to talk to his brother and she was thinking about being pressured when she herself pressured her own family by keeping a ridiculous relationship.

Biting her lower lip, she walked away, planning to talk to her brother so that Zero can come home.

Seeing her walked away Zero smiled as he thanked Sole for doing his favor.

“Thanks kid, she needs a little push and realization” Zero said eyeing his step-sister who was walking away.

“It was nerve-wrecking. I look like an idiot talking to her,” Sole scratched the back of his neck as Zero chuckled, “Any way you still up for that dinner?”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now