Chapter One: Wolves and Welcomes

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        Author's Note:

        Hello! Thank you so much for stumbling upon my story. I have created this little world to help me escape my own and am so excited to have you enter it too! If you do enjoy this work, or have any question/comment/suggestion/funny-stories/just-want-to-chat things to say, please feel free to message me or comment below! I absolutely love hearing from my readers and votes and comments let me know that what I am writing is appreciated! Anyway, thank you and I hope you enjoy the ride. 

        EDIT: Say what?

         "A wild trailer has appeared!"

        Oh no, some one let me mess with iMovie! Lol, please check it out! I hate castings but did use some celebrities in the trailer that I personally feel fit them. If you don't want to know the "cast" then don't watch the trailer. Buuuut if you do, click on it and watch the magic happen!

        Comment below if you think I should make a few more! I was considering make each main character or shipping a trailer too!

        Ciao <3

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        Jared sighed as he felt the ladder wiggle under him. He shifted his body trying to balance himself even more. Damn his siblings, leaving him to the tedious jobs of painting the entire house. Yes, he was the artistic one, and yes, he was too weak to carry in the boxes from the moving truck.  But that didn’t mean he wanted to spend the next week of his life designing their rooms to their every whim.

            He sighed arching his back to try to reach a part of the ceiling, some paint dripping down onto the tarp below him, missing his sweater by just an inch. Maybe he should of changed clothes? It would have been smarter, but it felt almost foreign to wear something other then his usual sweater- or sweater vest- and slacks. Unlike his brother, he liked to dress nice, and unlike his sister he did not like to show skin. But still, painting in his new clothing was not his brightest idea. And he prided himself in being the smarter sibling!

      He sighed as he finished his last section of the ceiling and soon clung to the wobbly ladder taking a few steps down so he could take in his work. His lips bent upward as he saw the ceiling.

        His sister, Alyssa had asked for just a simple black ceiling with her other walls being dark purple. Appropriate for an angst-y, rebellious almost seventeen year old. But instead he decided to take a more creative route. Hell, he had a little rebellion in him too.

        The side walls where the dark purple she requested, but more ombre mixed with an pinkish orange color- sort of like the sky right before the sun came up in the morning. The floor was based on the horizon with the sliver of bright sun coming up. His eyes climbed up the wall, watching it turn from byzantium to a dark damson shade of purple. It bled onto the ceiling before finally turning so dark it blended into black. He then decided to detail the ceiling with hundreds of small white stars.

         He could imagine now, Alyssa lying on her floor staring up at the makeshift sky, probably day dreaming. Or maybe one night when she was tempted to carve those horrible lines in her arms, she could look up at the sky and remember how her brother cared about her so much as to paint this beautiful art work just for her to enjoy.

         Jared winced as he thought about Alyssa and ran his hair through his black hair. That girl would be the death of him. Due to her he probably had the blood pressure of a sixty-year-old smoker who only ate cheeseburgers for lunch and dinner.

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