Chapter Eight: Pills and Politics

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Author's Note:

        I'm personally love this title the most, ha! If you can't tell I am not the best with book/chapter titles. Comment below if you can think of a better name for a chapter and I'll probably change it! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It was very amusing to write and was exciting to see Alyssa be a bit more bad-ass!


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            Alaska groaned as she woke up, rolling over and hiding her head into the cushioned down pillow, breathing in the clean scent of fresh linens. The sun beat in threw the window warming her face. She was so at peace here…     

            Suddenly her eyes snapped open, where was she? She sat up; yelping out as she realized her arm was in a sling, keeping it tight to her body. She used her good arm to rub her tired eyes, looking around the room.    

            She was in a large bed, much bigger then the twin-sized mattress she had at her own house. Across from her was large mural of a wolf on a sports field, the sky bright and blue just like the current one outside the large bay windows next to her. The werewolf breathed in Jakes familiar scent and she relaxed realizing she was in his room.

            The events of the night before flashed into her head, as she recalled what happened. Groaning she looked over, seeing a glass of water and a small vase with a tulip in it next to her. Also on the table was a medicine cup with three small pills in it with a note next to it.

             ‘Bottoms up. Pain pills and medicine. Waffles for breakfast. –J’

            Alaska raised and eyebrow, curious who this J was. Her heart leapt as she considered Jake did all of that to her, but she could also see Jared doing it since he was a sweet heart. She took the pills in one gulp and then guzzled down the entire glass of water. 

            Lying back down for a moment, she debated on getting up and starting life. Maybe she could just stay in this bed and avoid reality. She didn’t want to deal with Aaron. She didn’t want to go back to her dingy little house. To go to work. She wanted to just stay in Jakes bed, surrounded by clean white sheets and a soft navy blue comforter. 

            However, she knew that life was not just pause-able. Even if she just stayed in bed all day, life would continue, with or with out her. There would be repercussions if she tried to avoid her responsibilities. She had to go on.

            Ignoring the pain in her shoulder, she made herself get up and shuffle to the door. She looked down at the clothes Jake had her change into. She faintly remembered them being Alyssa’s pajamas, which would explain the size differences. She was in a tight t-shirt that left nothing to the imagination. She then was in some buffalo plaid pajama pants that must have been Jake’s since they were so loose on her that she needed to use the tie. She probably was too big for Alyssa’s size 0 clothing.

            Yawning, Alaska descended down the stairs. She heard the clattering of dishes and the arguing of the twins. She smiled as she turned the corner, seeing the two boys arguing over something pointless, Jared in a batter splattered apron, Jake in a flour covered black t-shirt. 

            “Good morning.” She cut into their bickering.

            Jared nearly jumped ten feet and Jake looked at her in shock. “Hey.” He said, quickly rushing over to her, his eyes looking over her body to see if she was in pain or had any new injuries. “How- how did you sleep?” He seemed frazzled, almost.

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