Chapter Eleven: Tea and Sleep

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             It was around six when Alaska moved downstairs into the kitchen. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon and through the open windows she felt the chilled wind of pre-autumn air. Some morning birds were beginning to awaken, but really the entire forest was still asleep- unlike her.

            Ala had one of her worse nights of sleep in years. She had kept tossing and turning, her body unable to find a comfortable position. Finally, she decided she needed to relocate in order to keep Jake from being disturbed by her incessant rolling over.

            The past week she had been staying in the Approx household she had been sleeping in Jake’s room. He had been crashing on the couch, but tonight after their date he ended up staying with her. At first she thought she would be fine with it, but after six hours of staring up at the ceiling it was obvious she wasn’t.

            The date had gone perfectly. They had started the night by deciding to be an official couple. They made fajitas together and even later made some cookies. They watched a movie, and Jake let her pick it out. It was a perfectly sweet, normal, not-overtly-exciting date.

Alaska had always longed for just a standard relationship like this. One without the crazy drama twist that her life always liked to give her.  Everything was going so well, so why was her mind racing? 

Alaska began to boil some water for her tea. As she waited for the kettle to screech, she leaned against the cool granite, trying to reflect on the possible reasons why she was so uncomfortable. 

Was it Jake? The protective, sweet, kind, gentle, caring, and all together perfect for her, Jake. No, she felt deep down a connection had already formed with him. He was a part of her life now, and just by following her instincts she knew that she didn’t want that to change any time soon.

It couldn’t be the boy’s fault she was unable to sleep. She had never felt so safe until Jake entered her life. She knew he would take a bullet for her- and while that fact scared her, it definitely would not of made her stay up all night. 

So, if it wasn’t Jake, nor the room she had been in all week, what could it of been? She began to dig into what was causing the most stress in her own life. Perhaps it was her siblings. Her brother was getting involved in drugs again. Plus, it was her fault that his pack lost almost half of its land. He was sure to punish her for that later.

And then poor Caroline, Alaska didn’t even know where she was. Probably sleeping with some married man, staying at his house until his wife returned. Both of the Luke siblings were absolute messes.

Alaska never was like them. They had given up after all of the stuff they had gone through with their father. They decided to just life with the cards they were dealt. There was no changing what fate had in store for them. Alaska didn’t stop fighting though. She was driven, worked hard, and was going to make sure she ended up on top. She deserved a good life and nothing was going to stop her from it. If she was lucky, she could hopefully help her siblings along the way. 

The werewolf’s mind soon drifted to the cause of all of her packs pain. Her father. That wretched, evil man.

Her attention was torn from the thoughts as the tea-kettle began to scream at her, alerting her that the water was ready. She gulped, moving and beginning to serve herself, happy for the distraction.

She never allowed herself to think of Ricardo. The man had no right to be part of her life anymore. If she had it her way, she would never see him again, and just let him be a ghost that haunted the deserted hallways of her dark mind.

Alaska sipped on her tea, letting the hot liquid coat her throat. She tried to push the thoughts of her father out of her head, but it all began slipping into the forefront of her mind. His voice. His black eyes. His hot temper. Those cold, horrible nights- 

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