Chapter Thirty: Rage and Revenge

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"We will never be mates."

Alyssa's words echoed in Aaron's head as he took another swig of the almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels. They will never be mates. After opening up to here, after confessing to her the feelings he had been concealing so deep down, he was humiliatingly rejected. The will never be mates.


Not that Aaron was very surprised. He knew she would reject him; at least, he expected her to. How could a woman like her ever fall for a disgusting addict like him? How could she ever look past their first few encounters they had? He had threatened to rape her, was high off his mind from cocaine, had been against her relationship with that pathetic human. He had just been a thorn in her side since she moved to Hammington. How could he ever think she could forgive him, let alone love him?

Love was such a strong word, but Aaron couldn't think of a better one. How else could he describe what he was feeling? It was entirely new. All he knew was that he was always thinking about her, wanting her all to himself. When he closed his eyes, it was like she was tattooed onto the back of his eyelids. When he breathed it was like he could only smell her scent. Don't get him wrong, the loud mouth alpha drove him bat-shit crazy, but he couldn't help but miss their bickering when she wasn't around. He wanted her to be around.

But then he ruined it by opening his mouth. How stupid of him to tell her how he felt. He should have known-


The wolf almost jumped out of his skin as he shot up from his lying place on the dusty old couch. He squinted, trying to make out the figure standing in his doorway, but as the light flooded through, he could only make out the silhouette. Damn, he didn't even realize it was daytime.

"Keep it down." Aaron groaned, rubbing his head, quickly recognizing the intruder's scent as Jakes.

Jake wrinkled his nose as he stepped into the small apartment, "I see you've been doing well."

"I said keep it down." Aaron repeated, knocking over some empty beer cans as he got to his feet. "Why are you here?"

Jake moved towards the man, speaking urgently, "I need to find your father."

"Why the hell would you do that?" Aaron moved slowly towards his kitchen table, which was also cluttered with dirty dishes and alcohol containers. Without his sisters around he really didn't have the motivation to pick up after himself. What was the point anyway? His apartment was a dump, even without the moldy plates and garbage. He sat down slowly, wavering a little bit, his alternated state evident from all the drinks.

"I know what he did to Alaska." Jake said, clenching his jaw as he had to keep himself calm. He still wasn't sure how to feel about the girls past but he knew that he couldn't let her father get away with it.

Aaron forced a dark chuckle, "What didn't he do to that girl?" His eyes saddened, reaching for a cup with a few sips left in it from a previous drinking binge. "Jake," his tone was serious, "Ala has decided to leave that part of her in the past. Its better to follow her lead and just leave it alone."

"How could you say that?" Jake hissed. "That man- that... monster." Jake spat out, taking a shaky breath to try to cool his boiling blood, "He has to pay."

"And how do you expect him to do that?" Aaron snorted, bringing the old cup to his lips.

Jake straightened up, "I am going to make him confess to the police." He wasn't completely sure how, but he was sure he could be convincing if he could only get to the man.

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