Chapter Twenty-Two: Family and Flames (Part 1)

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        Author's Note:

        PART ONE OF TWO. Stay tuned!

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“Hey, hot stuff.” 

            Alaska had been in the middle of shaking a drink; finally back at work after her leave during her withdrawal period. The voice came as a shock, sending a never-ending chill down her spine. She hadn’t heard this person in months, but how could she ever forget that voice? 

            Silently, Alaska turned around her eyes landing on one of the last people she wanted to see. “Hi-“ she murmured, “Caroline.”

            It was like she was looking in a mirror. Since they were young everyone said Caroline and Alaska looked like twins, even though the girl was a few years older. With the same tan skin and medium brown hair. The only real difference was that Caroline’s eyes were a bit darker then Alaska’s gold-flecked irises. 

            Alaska took in her sister; she hadn’t seen her since Alaska had declared she was leaving the Luke Pack. While Aaron was furious about it, Caroline just took it as an excuse to leave as well. Though she didn’t leave the pack she did run off to another town a few hours from Hammington. The last Alaska had heard was that Caroline dumped her current boyfriend for an affair with a millionaire CEO of some oil company.

            “What are you doing here?” Alaska played off her shock, nonchalantly placing the drink she just made in front of a greasy looking man.

            “How could you be so cold to your own sister.” Caroline sat down at the barstool. As some man came up to her she cut him off, “Sweetie, you can’t handle this.” She chuckled watching dejectedly walk off. She then turned her attention back to her younger sister, “I love your job! Cute boys, free booze, and cute costumes? You are living the dream, my little State!”

            Alaska rolled her eyes at the old pet name Caroline gave to her.  “Yes, cause most dreams I have involve pole dancing.” She moved to the rows of alcohol bottles, grabbing one of the better bottles of Scotch quickly pouring her and her sister a glass. “Here, on the house.” 

            “Oh, no, I can pay.” Caroline stated, her voice sounding proud as she pulled out a fifty from her purse waving it in the air. “The new boy-toy gave me some shopping money.” 

            Alaska shook her head, admittedly chuckling at her sister’s usual antics. She took a sip of her drink, savoring the taste as it burnt her throat. “The new boy? What happened to Mr. I-Own-The-Eleventh-Largest-Oil-Company?”

            “Oh, his wife found out about us and shot him in the back.” Caroline said, sipping on her drink, “Ooh, this is really good.” She complimented. She threw it back, finishing the drink instantly, “So, I ended up hooking up with this cute dorky guy who is the heir to the owner of some up-and-coming burger chain.”

            Alaska raised an eyebrow, “Oh, well, congrats, I guess.” She didn’t know exactly what to say. 

            “So when do you get off work?” Caroline grinned, playing with her new iPhone 6, a phone the Luke siblings once never thought they could afford. 

            “In about thirty minutes.” Ala sighed, “Then Jake is picking me up.” 

            “Oh! You’re still with that Approx boy?” Caroline’s eyes sparkled, excited for some new gossip.

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