Chapter Sixteen: Pack Laws and Orders

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 SHOUT OUT to Nasmir for making my awesome new cover! Thank you so much!

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            “A rogue. Near my land!” Sam paced back and forth in his living room. Pack members crowded the surrounding area; all intently watching their alpha fume over the news. 

            Joseph, one of the newest members, had heard the news from Caroline that Alaska had retracted from the Luke Pack. When he first told Sam that Alaska was rogue, everyone fell silent.

            Many people, especially humans, expect that anytime two wolf packs were near each other, they would instantly be mortal enemies. However, that was very far from the truth. While Sam and Aaron did not enjoy each other’s company, that was purely because two dominate male wolves- in the wild and also in the werewolf’s culture- always tended to bump heads. Yet the Luke and Ahtena packs were in fact friendly. 

            Hammington was a small town. With only one high school and about five decent restaurants to eat at, everyone in the town ended up being familiar with everyone else’s faces. Multiple of the people in the Ahtena and Luke packs ended up being in the same grades at school. Aaron had actually taken Camille, an Ahtena wolf, to his own prom! 

            The packs would go hunting together. The young werewolves in the town often went on spring fishing trips. The girls would meet up to gossip about the boys. Sure, the Ahtena and Luke packs had separate alpha’ and laws; but they many of them were actually close friends!

            So at the Ahtena pack meeting, when they heard that Alaska was now a rogue and the pack realized that that equaled enemy… Everyone’s heart sank. 

            Brian, a boy who Alaska once tutored in freshman Biology, couldn’t imagine hunting her down. He couldn’t imagine chasing her away from the town and ripping out her throat if she refused to leave peacefully. 

            Lydia thought back to how she and Ala got ready for homecoming together, both giggling and having a grand time. Alaska even lent Lydia her shoes. Now Alaska would be her enemy.

            Even alpha Sam wanted this to all just be a lie. To find out that James got the wrong information, and Sam wouldn’t have to kill the little girl he watched grow up. He was quite a few years older then her, and before her mother ran off to join a Lupus pack, Sam would often see them together. Alaska looked just like Rayne. 

            Every single wolf there did not want to harm the girl. And yet with just one order from their alpha, they knew the hunt would be on.

            Sam’s eyes scanned the room, the air silent but heavy. He watched his fellow wolves shift in discomfort, waiting for him to make a decision. He took a deep breath before finally speaking, his strong voice filling every inch of the room: “It has been our pack law for generations to remove any rogue that was near our territory. Rogues have been labeled as dangerous wolves—ones who do not follow any orders or respect any leader. There presence near any pack can cause chaos and disrupt all order nearby alphas have created.”

        His eyes scanned the room; pleased that everyone’s eyes were on him. He straightened his back, making sure his posture coincided with the way past alpha’s had stood. After a pause, he continued, “Alaska Luke has decided to ally with the rogues.” As he said the girls name it tasted bitter on his tongue. As if his own body couldn’t believe what he was about to say next: “Starting immediately, it is our job as the Ahtena pack—“ 

        Sam then said what every single wolf in that room was praying not to hear: 

         “To end her.”

*        *        *        *        *        *        *

Author's Note:

I am SO sorry for how short this chapter is. But sadly it was necessary to do. This scene was crucial in the plot and I wanted to keep it short for my own reasons as the writer. I promise though, there will never be a chapter this short again! 

Anyway, thank you all for reading! I hope you are enjoying this book. There are about ten chapters left (I have them all planned out ^.^)! Maybe a few more! We are starting to get into some really actiony stuff coming up. 

If you liked this please vote or comment, its really appreciated!

PS I burst my ear drum (UGH) so I am a bit drugged up right now on my FIVE different medications. When I feel better I might go back and re-write some of this chapter and fix my spelling mistakes I know are hiding in it! Anyway, 


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