Chapter Two: Pancakes and Problems

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 Author's Note:

Just posted Chapter Two! I am so excited to already have so many viewers for this story! Please, feel free to drop a comment or hit that vote button-- it really is appreciated and helps me as a writer! 

Also, just a little heads up: I will be posting quite a few chapters in the next day or so, since I had actually written a good amount of this story in advance. However, there is still WAY more to come (this is the first book in a series), so keep checking in! I will post at least one chapter once a week! 

Ciao and thanks for reading!


A NEW TRAILER! I asked the absolutely perfect @evenity to make a trailer for one of my favorite shipping couples "Jake and Alaska". AND IT IS PERFECT. Please check it out! 

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        The next morning, Jared was in the kitchen, making omelets for his siblings. Jake was sitting at the counter, playing with his phone on some new popular app game. Both looked up as they heard Alyssa start to come down the stairs.

        "How did you sleep?" Jared asked, moving away from the stove so he could see her. She had a nasty blackish bruise now around her neck, her tank top showing it in its entirety.

        "How do you think I slept?" Alyssa just snapped at him, yanking away from his touch as he put his hand on her shoulder.

        Jared winced, his heart cringing as she physically moved away from him. He had felt her drifting for so long, and he tried to ignore it. It was just her being a teenager, trying to go off and become her own person. But now she was actually physically hurt and she still wouldn't let anyone help her. After the fight, she just locked herself in her room and never came out, even though he tried multiple times to bring her ice, medicine, and even her favorite dinner.           

        "Jare." Jared's twin hollered, "I prefer my eggs not to be black." Jared turned and groaned seeing the light smoke coming up from the current omelet he was making. Jake had already gotten up, flipping it, wincing as the under side was colored a dark black. "Here, Aly." Jake joked, moving the pan towards her so she could see it.

            "Jump off a cliff." Alyssa rolled her eyes, sitting down after pouring herself some black coffee. 

            Jake huffed, "You know, you don't have to be so rude." 

        Alyssa rolled her eyes and didn't speak to him, just grabbing the remote and flicking on the small TV they had in the kitchen. On it was the morning news, and she took a sip as she listened about some large drug bust that took place in down town Hammington.

        Jake just sighed, trashing the omelet and moved to make a new one- this time not letting Jared make it. As he watched the eggs begin to take shape he frowned hearing a knock on the door. Who the hell could that be? They had no friends or family, there was no reason for anyone to be visiting. "It must be a salesman, just don't open-" He was about to finished with 'the door', but instead Alyssa cut him off. 

        "Got it!" The girl flounced to the door, her high ponytail bouncing behind her. She was suddenly cheerful, happy to have a chance to annoy her brother. She frowned as she peeked out the peephole and there stood one of the last people she wanted to see: Alaska. She got down off her tiptoes and sighed, swinging open the door, greeting the new girl with an annoyed, "What?" 

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