Chapter Ten: Waves and Stars

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“We made it!” Ray’s voice erupted as he realized they were at his final destination. A wide smile formed on his face as he showed Alyssa the scene in front of him. “I was scared we were going to miss it.”

 “What the-“ Alyssa trailed off as she stared, wide-eyed. In front of her were two groups of people, both yelling jokingly at each other. In the center of the makeshift field was an inflatable pool, over flowing with she assumed were water balloons. 

 Ray laughed at her shock, “We are the red team!” Next thing she knew she was in a group of about fifteen people, all buzzing with excitement for the pending battle. She could feel the electricity spark in the air. Ray nudged her out of her thoughts. “Have fun!” He told her the only rule of the game.

Alyssa glanced at the opposing group, and she smirked realizing that most of them were not what one would describe the ‘athletic’ type. She bit her lip, trying to ignore the thrill bubbling up in her own chest. She was too mature to enjoy these games; she was only doing this for Ray’s benefit. Yes, that must be it.

“Three. Two-“ The teams began to count down and Alyssa heard Ray yell at the top of his lungs, “One! Go!” 

Within seconds, broken latex and water droplets flew around like confetti on New Years Eve. Water balloons began pelting anyone stupid enough to be in the front lines. Bodies fell to the ground as they were hit. Some screams were heard, but primarily the night air was filled with the sound of laughter. 

It only lasted for a little under ten minutes, but by the end even Alyssa had to confess that she was having the time of her life. “I haven’t done that since I was a kid!” She exclaimed to Ray as the war began to die down due to a lack of supplies. 

Ray cracked up, “Dude, I had a water balloon fight like a week ago.” His eyes scanned over her, “You’re soaked!”

“Only because I was trying to win, unlike you!” Alyssa grinned, “You just hid behind that girl the whole time.” 

Ray and Alyssa continued taunting each other, both having a great time. They soon took off their water soaked shirts, Ray in his bright yellow and green swim trunks. Alyssa couldn’t help but tease him for looking like a highlighter. She soon exposed her own red string bikini- instantly turning some head as they moved to get some drinks.

The rest of the night was a blast. Ray introduced Alyssa to a couple for promising people. They all seemed down to earth and interesting enough for her tastes. They then played games like limbo and freeze-tag, and even danced for a while. Alyssa mused about how even though the party’s activities were rather elementary school-ish she was finding herself having a better time then her “grown up” Italian parties. 

Though the alcohol could also be a factor in that finding. Ray was proven to be a lightweight, only having two or three cocktails before becoming a noisy drunk. Alyssa on the other hand was only sipping on her beer, just enjoying the light buzz and refreshing atmosphere the party emitted.

Eventually, Ray had to leave her side, moving to dance with a cute girl Alyssa could tell her was interested in. Aly circled the dance floor, chuckling as she watched Ray sloppily dance with the cute blonde, obviously the alcohol not letting him filter his moves. She wished she had a camera to show the boy his embarrassing moves the next day. As Alyssa was lost in thought, she gasped bumping into a body.  “I’m sorry!”

Brown eyes met hers. “Hey! It’s you!” The blonde haired boy Alyssa had bumped into earlier exclaimed.

Alyssa was taken aback by the fact that out of all the people there she would bump into this boy again. “We have to stop meeting like this.” She let the overused line slip from her mouth. Maybe her drinks were altering her filter more then she realized.

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